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Konichiwa minna-San mews here just letting you know that I don't own fairytail or any of its characters. Well Sorry for talking so much Here's the first chapter (≧∇≦)love always~mews.


It was a dark and gloomy day in magnolia and everyone seemed to run about seeking shelter from the harsh cold wind and rain that beat down upon the usual cheery and bustling town, all except a certain man and cat who stayed in the shadows of the buildings sheltering from the harsh cold rain. This man of course was no other then the shadow dragon-slayer rouge and his frog cosplaying exceed frosh " hey frosh isn't that the blonde celestial Mage from fairytail over there" he said as a blob of blonde hair was seen beneath the hood of a small running figure. " fro thinks it is" fro said watching the small figure enter a pale pink house and shut the door roughly behind her, rouge watched sadly as he picked up the faint scent of salt and water along with the salamanders smell of smoke and ash. Rouge stood up and picked frosh up hiding her in his cape so she wouldn't get wet, " come on frosh let's make sure she's alright" he said walking up to the house and knocking softly. Nobody answered and they started to get worried " fro thinks fairy-San is in trouble" fro said peeking her head out from under his cape frowning. A small scream was heard from inside her house" FAIRY-SAN" " Lucy" rouge and fro said at the same time eyes wide and worried. Rouge busted the door down scrambling to get up the stairs, frosh quickly climbing the steps her eyes wide, as small tears rolled down her green fur. Finally reaching the top rouge rattled the door knob seeing as it was locked he pounded very hard on the door it soon opened reviling a small trail of blood and wet footprints along with mud and leaves. " Fairy-San are you here " fro called out following the blood into the kitchen, rouge followed ready to attack what ever was in there. Small sniffles and sobs came from " who are you get away" a soaked Lucy with blood and tears making there way down her once flawless skin now cut up and bloody. " it's okay we are here to help you ,I'm rouge the shadow dragon-slayer from sabertooth and this is frosh we only come to help" rouge stated calmly holding out his hand to the girl. " r-rouge and f-frosh " she said her brown eyes softening taking his hand and standing up shakily , her legs giving out as soon as she tried to walk. " be careful Lucy" catches her by the waist and pulls her back up, Lucy nodded excepting the help. " fro thinks fairy-San need band aids" says fro taking out little froggie band aids and putting one on Lucy's leg where a small cut was bleeding. Lucy and rouge laughed at the cute little exceed who kept putting band aids on Lucy's cut. " thank you frosh" smiles warmly at frosh, " hey Lucy why don't you sit down so we can clean your cuts" rouge suggested pulling out one of her kitchen chairs and helping Lucy sit down. " fairy-San can fro call you momma" fro asked cutely climbing onto Lucy's lap and staring at her hopefully. Lucy smiled at the thought " s-sure" she said as rouge grabbed a wet towel and started gently wiping her cuts on her arms and legs. Lucy scrunched her face up in pain as the cuts started to sting and burned, " sorry Lucy I'll try to do this fast" continues wiping her cuts then moves to her face and very gently but quickly wipes it down. Fro slowly wrapped Lucy's left arm and ankle in a bandage then rubbing disinfection cream on her bad cuts before putting more froggie band aids on her. Finally finishing up Lucy smiled and petted the sleeping frosh on her lap, " thanks rouge I guess I owe you one now" she said giggling and rubbing her neck shyly. " no it's okay, but why don't you sleep I'll go get some food to cook for you" he said picking Lucy and frosh up and walking into her room carefully setting them down on the bed and covering them with blankets. " ok" Lucy nods and slowly closes her eyes falling into a nice slumber, while rouge grabs his cloak and puts in on opening the door and walking out into the wet, stormy weather.


Yay first chapter done hope you all liked it , I don't own fairytail or any of its characters if I did Lucy and natsu would be married by now haha jk.

Well I'll try to update soon

(≧∇≦)love always-mews

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