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today's song

mark my words - justin bieber

maggie lindemann

"hey, i'm going out to the store for a minute. anybody want anything?" i yelled, grabbing my keys off the hook.

"bring me some starburst!"

"i need some makeup remover wipes please!"

"a new life would be great!"

"ooo can i come?"

i turn around and see ava coming up to me.

"sure, why not." i smiled.


"what are we here for again?" ava asked, grabbing a cart.

"i promised dylan i would redecorate his room, so we have to get some paint and new curtains and some other basic decorating stuff." i laughed.

"does he want anything specific?" ava said, picking up a starburst from the candy isle.

"he wants it to be a normal room just less child decorations. his room is still covered in the flash posters and stickers from when he was 12." i laughed, walking towards the paint section.

"let's do this!"


"dylan, i'm home!" i yelled, as i walked into the house.

i walk towards the kitchen, setting down the bags on the counter, ava copying my actions.

"did you hear dylan yell back?" i asked ava.

"no? i actually haven't heard anything at all besides us." she shrugged.

"oh no. no, no, no, no, no! dylan!" i yelled running up the stairs.

i ran into his room, finding it empty. i back up and walk out, into the hallway. i flashed around the house, checking every room, but there was no sign of dylan.

"ava he's not here!" i yelled.

"let's check outside!" she yelled back.

i flashed downstairs, turning towards the back double doors. i push them open to find nothing but my huge backyard.

"where could he be?" ava asked, looking around.

"ava quiet down for a minute." i said, closing my eyes.

i tried listening for any sounds of his heart beating or his voice but there was nothing. i then sniffed the air, hoping to catch his scent.

after a minute, i finally catch it, grabbing onto ava's arm and following the smell.

"where are we going? did you hear him?" she asks.

"i caught his scent, he's around here somewhere." i said.

i know he's not my child, but raising a kid for three years, they kinda rub off on you. he was so positive about everything, knowing that his life wasn't normal.

i keep following his smell, turning left and right. i walk around a big oak tree, and see him standing in the middle of a circle.

i look around at what's surrounding him.


"dyl, what's wrong are you okay?" i yelled.

he turns around slowly, making eye contact with me. he walks over to me and ava, but not crossing the circle of dahlias.

project maggie - shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now