chapter 40

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Bella POV
I woke up a few hours later after have my babies and I needed to shower but I'm on bed rest and I didn't want to get up without help because Carlise said that. I need to be careful and that what I'm going to be doing and it a good thing

Because I don't want do anything that I should not be doing and it a good thing that. Because I don't need anyone mad with me and as I was thinking about all of this 🌹 show up

Rosealie: being like you seem like you want to hurry up and get up and everything are you doing okay cuz let me guess you want to have a shower or something but if I know my father he doesn't want you getting up with that -assistance that's why I'm here so I will help you get into it but you have to do the rest and I'll help you out and back to bed rest like you need and I'll be here to help if cauis is not back soon

With that help form 🌹 I got into my shower because after giving birth it was not easy  so I'm happy that I can get clean. Up but I'm wondering what is going on and everything that going on  with Marcus because of his Heath and that a good thing  because I need know that everything is fine and I don't want anything to happen to my family but I got feeling that we are all going to be finding things out soon

As soon as I was done in the shower when I was getting ready to get out I noticed that my husband was back so 🌹was gone he helped me get out and carry me back to the bed and everything cuz of course he's going to be overprotective of me

Bella : thanks babe 🌹said she stay to help me if you where not here but if you can back before I was out she said you wanted to help me

Cauis : she right because I love taking good care of you and everything you should know that and I just want to let you know that where going. To know what going on with Marcus soon because we should have the test results back soon and that a good thing because we need to know how everything is going because we don't want anything bad  happing to him

With that thought in knew my husband was right and it a good thing that and it also good to know that are babies are sleeping good and it helps us and that what matters the most with me

Carilse POV

Leave it after I had to run the test and everything to find out how much Marcus was doing that he is actually coming down with something called a vampire pocks which is very rare it's not something like a chicken pocks or something that going. On because there alot that can do this to a vampire

So I know that I'm going to have to go to the throne room and talk to the others about everything and let them know for sure what's going on with Marcus's Health it's not very good right now

Carlise: Hey guys you're going to have to know everything that's going on right now because I really just ran the tests and everything and it seems right now that he has a thing called a vampire pox and that is something that I'm not quite sure about and I'm going to have to look into it more for you because I have to figure out why it's making him weak and not be able to keep blood and everything down this is not good

Aro : that is not good if macrus is so sick and we need to know that we need see what we can do

Carilse: yes and it a good thing but I believe that it a good thing because we. Need see how much we get is stomach and another reason that I think he is so weak because he as  been gone so love with out is mate but I don't feel like what he had with. His wife before was strong enough for him and I believe that he may have another mate out there and  if she his true mate Vampire or human her blood or Venom could he what he needs cuz his blood is getting low and everything like that we're going to have to check into it more

Aro: we are are going to be doing everything that we can to help macrus before it gets to late and we need to see where it goes and that best that we can be doing right about now

Cauis : well I think I should go back and tell Bella everything what's going on right now I mean I was with her earlier when I helped her back at the shower and help her get back into bed and everything then I just came here to hear where you were talking this is really crazy right now we're going to have to figure out exactly what we can do for Marcus for sure

After I had just told everything to them the next time you know that's Leah had showed up all the way from Forksshe had some information for us and whatever this is definitely going to be something that we need to be prepared for

Leah: we think you're going to have to keep an eye out on everything like that because it has a feeling that Edward is trying to plan something big he's going to be sending spies and everything to spy on you and everything like that and if he gets word that Marcus is sick and gets word the Bella had six kids God only knows what he's going to try to do you're going to have to be careful watch everything the wovels think that I should stay here for a bit so they can communicate with you and everything for a bit through our minelink because for some reason there's definitely something up

Aro : yes that is a good thing because we need to know his next move and we. Should have alice keeping a eye on him with her visions it could help

Caius Volturi And Bella Swan She Found A Way Into His Unbeaten Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora