chapter 12

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Cauis POV

Hard to believe that I have my beautiful babe laying next to me she so peaceful when she's sleeping and everything I know one thing for sure it's true she's definitely changed my cold heart

Next thing I know there was a knock at the door and I didn't want to jump or nothing but I asked who it was

Alec - sorry to bother you but you're needed in the throne room Master because there's something going on with a couple of little vampires they need you to help punish them

Cauis - I will be right there please do me a favor and stay by the door cuz I don't want nothing to happen to my precious Bella while she sleeps

Alec - of course master I was already told that I had to Master Marcus make sure everything was okay and of course I am grateful today that I don't want to see anything happen to the princess

With that a left to the cuz I was need it there's always stuff that we have to do we have to keep the peace and everything around here we cannot let the boys be broken and that's exactly what we're going to do

ARO - sorry that we bothered you brother we usually don't want to bother you until she wakes up to that but when there's a big portant things like this to do but we have no choice

Cauis - I understand we have to do our duties and everything to protect people and right now I'm grateful that you did come and get me because this no man I know her for some reason she tried to kill me years ago what do you want and Aaliyah

Aaliyah - what I wanted to do was warn you yes I know I tried to kill you centuries ago but I was under orders from the coven I was part of you see I didn't plan on doing anything like that I was a newborn at the time and I was being injured through the mud and yes I did try to do that stuff back then but I'm not here to do that now I have calmed down and tried to follow the rules these last few centuries but there are other than those here that you need to deal with their Nomads just like me I was just passing through and they grabbed me and forced me to do a few things I told him I don't want to be apart of this if you want Master  Aro.  you can read my thoughts my mind and you can know exactly what some of them are up to

Aro - willing to let me read your mind tools and everything because if you were doing this against your will they say you were forced to do this I might not have to destroy you if that is true we could probably teach you the right way because sometimes we understand when this happens people always think that we don't believe in second chances that's not the whole point the point is we do believe in second chances depending on the circumstances we do believe that sometimes you can learn from it but if you can't and we have no choice but you don't care you're cold hearted or something like that then we just deal with you on the spot

Cauis - it's a good thing that when he says cold-hearted he doesn't mean people with a stone heart who doesn't like to spend time with people or anything like that cuz the way I used to be but he needs his people will kill for no reason they don't give a s*** and maybe a vampires but we still have to respect you and life

And I knew exactly that when I said those words it was so true just then I noticed that my baby came into this room and sat on her throne right next to me and she knows that I'm in here she always comes and sits next to me and she doesn't interrupt the meetings or anything unless we ask her if she has something to eat before we pass judgment because sometimes we like to include her I think in this case we maybe we should because one she's the queen she'll be safe have and helping us make those decisions just as much as everybody else

Aro- yes I didn't tell them everything that you're telling us is true and I've noticed another thing though that's Princess Bella here she can copy powers and she was able to copy my ability but she also has a few other abilities might attempt that so she could probably look farther to see if you're hiding anything from me but I do can you read her thoughts the way I just did it to see if there's anything that she's hiding from the story she just told us I'm sure you might have heard the story as you were walking into the throne room

Bella - of course I heard it I am grateful to do this might be my honor to do that for you Uncle  Aro

How much does my baby did exactly everything that they're all just did but she was able to intensify it with another one of her abilities

Bella - every single thing that she has told you so far is absolutely the truth she was being played like a puppet and she had no choice or they would have killed her I could see what she was doing now it's pretty bad when you're in the things against your own will so if we have to vote what a jerk you are enough so I could tell by the way you looking at me though do you want me to have my say involved in this as well my vote is we do not kill her but it is not up to me alone we have to have the maturity and my right

I had to smile because she is so compassionate and even know she knew this vampire ones tried to kill me but now that she knows the reason behind it she's willing to give her a second chance at life but if something were to backfire and everything she wouldn't be so forgiving that is one thing I love about my baby

I thought we all went about doing what we needed to do after that because we agreed to let her be a part of the Guard because we've discovered that she had abilities that could help and will probably come in handy with trying to figure out exactly what Edwards and esme's next moves are

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