chapter 6

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Cauis POV

I'm so thankful grateful to have my baby back safe and sound and I'm thankful that I have the rest of the family home as well it's good to have Carlisle and Charlie back safe and sound the two brothers are very important to us and so are their children it's good to know everything to protect my mate

Bella - what is it that you're thinking about baby

Caius Volturi - just thinking how lucky I am to finally have you back safe and sound where you're supposed to be and you can learn about your abilities and everything today is going to be great and we know that we will protect you we were always meant to do that but we must figure out why they're so hunger for your power

Bella - understand what you're talking about baby let's go and see if we can figure out what my hours are now because the Denali it should be here any minute hopefully

Cauis - I hope we can find out soon enough and know matter what I'm going to look after you one way or other because your baby your my life and your what my heart desires

Bella - a baby I love you so much and I'm not going to let anything happen to myself because I know you will kill me if I did baby I also Alice way to protect me if that is her job

Alice - a job that I take very seriously you always do so that is my job after all

Bella - which I have to thank you for it and I'm proud to call you my protector and stuff like that I need to find out what my full. Powers are and I'm looking forward to it because I'm going to teach Edward and Esme that they mess with the wrong person or vampire because I'm part both either way going down

How much my beautiful mate is so confident because I know that she will do everything her power to do what she is destined to do she is a princess of the Volturi one day she will be a queen when she marries there's no happen to my beautiful baby now and always

Meanwhile Edward POV

I am trying to find out were did the others run off and I don't know which way they ran off and I need to know all of this I cannot let the Volturi get wind of my plan

Esme - baby what are you trying to figure out

Edward - where could have Carlisle the rest went I have no clue I hope they have not so he'll contact the Volturi and tell them of my plan to overthrow them

Esme - well we need to be trying to stay one step ahead just in case may be you do know I love you and I'm here for you the whole way we're in this together we need to figure out how we're going to make this work my love

Edward - was going to be pretty difficult for some reason I cannot read their minds or anything like that and it's not just that I can't even sense a physical next to nothing there's definitely something going on around here


Meanwhile Jacob POV

Myself and Leah are on patrol and he overheard everything I looked at her and said you better inform sam

Jacob- we need to head back inform them about what they are talking about because this is definitely something going we definitely think Aro Volturi need to be aware of what's going on because whatever it is it can't be something good that Edward is planning

Leah - you're right but I think someone's probably bring this to them in person

Jacob - yes for both me and Sam can't go cuz we're in charge of the pack here we're both pretty much the Alphas but I think one of the second dimension go and the ones they're second-in-command are you and also one of you guys should go and inform them to see if you guys can come up with the plan and come back and report to us

Leah - I'm on my way now to inform them what's going on be back soon as I can

Jacob- okay be very careful and remember I love you since we can put it on each other I don't want nothing to happen to you

Leah - and on my way I'll be back safe and sound before you know it I love you too

I just pray and hope that she can get there in time to warn them before he finds out that they're actually back with the rest of the Volturi this is something that they need to do to keep everyone safe we are not about to let crazy no man's and Esme and Edward Brian overtake the world


Meanwhile with Bella and the Volturi

Bella POV

We all just found out my abilities are on the physical and mental Shield I'm also able to copy powers and I'm also able to read minds I'm also able to get female vampires pregnant but given them the gift hopefully things will work out have any of them try to have another child anyway as I was saying this will all come in handy you were just celebrating everything that we found out because it's a good feeling to know all this when one of the members of the Wolfpack showed up to warn us

Leah - I come to warn you guys that Edward is up to something big and if I were you I'd keep ahead of them one step at a time he knows you're all gone and he's trying to figure out where you could be a hit he does not sure if you came here but you think you might have any things that he's one step ahead of you but if I were you I'd stay one step ahead of him just the messenger to let you know

Aro - thank you for bringing this news to us Leah be careful have a very safe trip back to Forks thank you for warning us and everything

Well that she left we were grateful that a fact that she came all this way to warn us I know one thing for sure we are not going to let him catch on the we know what he's up to he definitely thinks that he's ahead of us he's got another thing coming

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