Chapter 34

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Cauis POV

After me and the others had are. Meeting I head back to my room because I have a feeling my beautiful  wife is there. Waiting for me and I can't believe that I have the woman of my dreams and never get tried of saying that but right we need to take. Care of the prombles that are going to come. Are way

Cauis : (walks into is room and see that Bella is reading weathering Heights one of her favorite books something that she's always read and something you should reread and reread some things you can never get tired of reading) your read that a book again and it nice but you seem to read it quite a lot

Bella : it's one of my favorite books to read baby I also I love to be other books like gone to the wind and stuff like that I just really like the classics and everything like that and everything from Shakespeare you can know what I mean I just really am into stuff like that

Cauis : sometimes I have a feeling that you've been barely worn in the wrong Century my dear with the way you like that type of music and everything that you like besides you doing like a lot of the days music in the books you like and everything but it's just I feel like you could be a long and either era

Bella : well that must be a good Thanksgiving you were around a years of the Renaissance and everything like that I've always wondered what it was like back then because I never got to really be around and see the pictures and stuff from the stories and everything then I just really wonder how simple that error was then and then again there was some stuff to that that you wouldn't want to remember either but you know I think it was simpler time

Cauis : to a point it was a simpler time but you never had the right and free that woman have now and there is alot of things that I did not really like back then they always feels like women should be treated as equals. That's the way it was then but the way I look at it now I'm glad the women have so many different rights yes what I learned over the centuries how to balance at all

Bella: and you've always said that you had a heart that you can never reach never show that you love and stuff think again baby because you just showed everything there what compassion with what you just said I mean you're a vampire who believes in Women rights

Cauis : yeah that is kind of weird but you know what I guess after living so many century is insane so much going on it's nice to see people are able to do things and everything that they want people always thought of us as Terrence but we're not we're actually the vampire police we have to try to get that out there and we're just trying to keep the difference between our worlds

Bella : yes it just you want to be keeping the pieces and that what matters most babe and I love you for us what was the meeting about early are you going to the others

Cauis : it was about trying to find out about what Edward and Esme next move are being we need to get to the bottom of everything

Bella : that would be a great thing because I believe that we need to stop them before they get out of hand the other cullens are still Family that why they came back here with us and that all that matters

Cauis : yes and I was happy about how well are wedding and everything went I noticed you don't look so we'll lately babe are you okay

Bella : I'm find babe just that I feeling sick because of the pregnancy we almost forgot about the fact that I'm pregnant with everything going on and stuff like that I mean the fact that I'm only half vampire and things come in handy too that's why I sleep a lot

Cauis: yes and that would be one of your abilities anyway is asleep and everything because you have the gift of humanity and stuff plus you know how to paralyze people and everything that I seen you do before when you were trying to help us control of crazy female vampire and I get it right now I think you need to relax cuz that's the way your feeling and everything

Carilse: I was walking by and I overheard you guys talking about her feeling sick and everything in that because of the pregnancy maybe I can give her something to help her sleep they will not affect the baby or anything like that cuz he is right you are overdoing it and you know I still care for you as family and everything so get to sleep doctor's orders

Bella : I'll right if it will make the two of you happy

With that my wife went to bed after carlise gave her something to help her sleep she trying to do everything in
Power to keep me and herself and the babies safe because we know that it more then one and. I hope that Felix and Demetria will find out more for us soon before they come back after talking to the wolves and everything and checking out things more I really need to get ahead with everything that's been going on around here

Dimitri's POV

Right now me Felix are waiting to figure out what else is going to happen and we are watching Edward very closely because for some reason we have a feeling that he's going to be doing something very stupid

Felix: why do we always need to wait for somebody to do something stupid before we can make a move and everything like that but it's a good thing that we have been talking to the wolves and everything hopefully we'll figure out what to do next

As we where talking about that Sam and Seth came to check if we know anything yet because there watching on there end I know that he put something well let's just hope he make his move soon

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