chapter 39

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Cauis POV

Right now we are waiting for carlise to get her because I know that my wife is in way to much pain right now we need .to friguer this out because she in a lot of pain and everything where her water broke and here she is trying to give birth and everything it's a good thing I'm not human cuz if I wish you would probably break my hand right about now

Carlise: sorry took me a few minutes to get down here and everything but I was just finishing hooking Marcus up to everything that I needed to do now let me see what I can do for you Bella

Bella : please because I know that these babies want to come pretty quick and everything

With that carlise went to work helping out with everything that been going on and it a good thing because it needs to be done and it make me happy that he can help her and it a good thing that she part human and Vampire she can do everything that needs to be done .

Carilse: okay Bella I'm going to be needing you to push now and that really good thing because I know how much pain it hruts you

Bella : it really hard uncle carilse

Carilse: and I know that it more and more that you can be doing everyday and it really good when. Your babies are here cauis you need to make sure that you're wife is going to be very comfortable right now and that's exactly what you need to do because we have to be able to make sure she has no pain

Next thing I know I'm doing exactly what Carlos was telling you do to keep Bella, and everything and she is pushing like crazy and by the time we looks we find out that she's had more than one baby more than two babies are more than three like we thought we end up having like 6 I cannot believe it it was sixtuplets that we just had

Bella : I'm so tired now after giving birth to all those babies I really think I need to get some sleep

Carilse: yes that's what I want you to do is get some sleep and everything in your going to be on bed rest for a while because let's just say you gave birth early and I really need to make sure you're okay and everything so nothing crazy for you in the next little while I mean it bed rest for the next 3 to 4 weeks

Bella : man I got to be able to do at least something

Cauis : no way you're going we're going to be doing what he says to do baby he is the doctor here after all and if he says you need to rest and that is exactly what you're going to do trust me I'll make sure you're comfortable and everything and we'll take care of the babies and everything you're not a little bit 3 to 4 weeks you're not getting out of it

Bella : okay how is Marcus doing and everything like that we're still trying to figure out what's going on with him or what

Carilse: I've been running some tests and everything I still don't know everything just yet but I'll get back to you when I find out exactly what's going on I need to do an Mir and everything will just kind of crazy I mean he's a vampire but you know what I mean like I said anyway you get some rest and everything I must get the babies cleaned up and get them to rest and not. They're going to be monitored for a little bit just to make sure they're okay because he did come early

Cauis : thanks carlise we need to know that really good and it make me happy about all of that  and it a good thing

Carlise: no problem the right now I'm going to go and see what I can figure out about those tests and everything on Marcus I'll get back to you guys if you need anything the right now we have to be careful because I heard there's something going to happen later tonight we're trying to figure out what's going on for some reason we're all on edge about it

Bella : I kind of have that same feeling and everything. What's going on let's hope nothing things up right now you have to do the best we can

With that carlise left to make sure everything was going to be good with Marcus and the babies that we just had as well I never thought that my wife would have six babies at once but let's just hope she's going to be okay that must have been a lot out of her turned out to be a lot more than we thought I was coming with us hope everything is going to be just what she needs to get the rest good thing that she's part vampire because if she was just human that would be way too hard on her

Bella : I'm so sleepy I'm going to sleep babe

Cauis : okay I'm going to talk to aro and let him know that you are doing better babe. I love you some much babe and that a good thing

Bella : okay babe I love you so much

With that I went to see my aro and my babe went to sleep and that a really good thing my babe needs her sleep and it a good thing and it perfect that she was able to do what she did tonight


Right now we need to see how Bella doing with her pregnancy and everything because it's pretty scary when you go into labor early and everything like that I just want to make sure that the baby that she's having his okay plus we also need to figure out

Cauis : hay aro we I just finished looking into everything in that about the pregnancy and that's the babies are born I could not believe it she had six they were born early and everything so Carlisle wants to monitor them for a while

Aro : that's a really good idea and everything and now we also need to figure out exactly what's going on with Marcus hopefully we'll find out soon and know for sure there's definitely something going on seems he's getting weaker and everything like that ever since she's lost his mate why don't even really know that was his true when there's a lot going on for sure

But everything that I was just saying was true hopefully we'll get to the bottom of all this because there is really rare things other than the vampire going to have but we need to understand what's going on for sure

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