chapter 18

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Carlisle POV

It been a couple days since Bella and Caius have left for their honeymoon and we do not want them to have to worry about whatever and I can hear up to.  So right now me and my brother and the other kings are keeping a eye on all of that for them because we need to know there every move and I just hope that what there planning. Isn't something that's going to be too much trouble we need to make sure everybody is safe and sound

Jane: penny for your thoughts baby?

Carlisle: just trying to see what Edward and Esme next move is going to be because I don't want Bella to have worry about them finding her or. Finding out that me and the others where just undercover for the Volturi

Jane: you are right because we need to know that there not going to do anything so carzy so far we have found out that .they might be planning a newborn Army I have Jasper been looking into that as we speak to be on the safe side

Carlisle: which is a good idea because me and the others need to keep very one safe and you do the hole time I was undercover and had to act like I was Esme and had to do things with I was always thinking about you babe the reason why it was best for me and everyone else that was with because of there abilities things like that and me because I'm like a passion to be when I'm a doctor and everything

Jane : well it did make sense you do know I have had you baby for a bit now but between us being so busy and stuff around we have not had sometime alone

Carlisle: well we can have so now if you like babe because I am not that busy we are just keep a lookout for Edward and Esme next move babe

Jane : well it my day off so ya I think we can have some fun with each other

Carlisle: good because I have so miss you when I was not here all the time babe and I hope that everything going well on  . Bella and cauis honeymoon

Bella POV

Me and my babe have been here for awhile now and me and my husband are now out see what Paris has to offer right now we are going to the beautiful theaters and stuff like that and then he's taking me to the Eiffel Tower where he wants to spend some time with me and look up at the stars and everything I love it how he planned everything so gracefully

Cauis: babe what going on in that head of yours my beautiful wife

Bella: just how much I love you and how you planning on taking me everywhere today in Paris and so beautiful and how thoughtful and how much planning you put into it I love it I just love how I get to spend every waking minute with you because I know you will do everything to take care of me and that make me feel like this is where I need to be and I will do everything to keep my mind and I love and everything for you within your heart because you will never have to feel like you have to be stone cold anymore. I'll make sure you understand exactly how much it is to be loved baby

Cauis : the day taht I have found out that you where my mate I knew I wanted never have to deal with the bullshit that been going on and I'm happy about that  because I am finding the real me with you again

Bella: thanks babe

Even though I was truly on my honeymoon in Paris as I was walking around I couldn't believe it I thought I might have spotted Esme  I don't think she's seeing me if that's the case we better inform everybody else

Bella: baby not to put a damper on everything on our honeymoon but I just thought I noticed Esme here in Paris we better let everybody else know so they can deal with that and we better stay low cuz I don't think she knows we're here I think she's up
To something

Cauis: I think you're right about that I will send a message your phone home and figure out but then handle it and we will get back to her private counsel so she has no clue that were here before she sees us and then when we know what's going on we'll head to the Eiffel Tower and everything might be planned right now we need to figure out what exactly wants her motivation for being in Paris and Edward with her or not

I knew that everything he was thinking was right so we decided to run back to the palace and everything for me know that she knows that we're here we don't figure this out we're definitely going to make sure you keep an eye out on it


Esme POV

Me and my beautiful baby has come to Paris so we could try to figure out exactly who we can get to probably they might be able to help us with the newborn Army Maria's working on people on her side to help us out which is great we need more people but I've got a feeling that I'm right we might have a snake but I don't know why anyway I know one thing's for sure I will keep my eyes open to be on the safe side but for now I gotta get back to my baby for going to ever make this plan work we still have no clue to where the rest of the people that were with us that was supposed to been stringing you along and are supposed to be recovered we don't know for sure if they're catching on to what we're doing but I know one thing this plan but our work but I will follow my baby anywhere he wants to go

Caius Volturi And Bella Swan She Found A Way Into His Unbeaten Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu