chapter 47

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Cauis POV

I have been laying down here in bed holding my Bella all night when. Jane came and told me that there has been some news about things that Edward and Esme are up to and we need to be ready for and with that. I let my wife sleep and that a good thing because I know that she going to be needing this right now and that's the best we can do for her at this very moment

Cauis : okay what is it exactly that we need to know about everything that's been going on because you just said there's a big developments and everything

Aro : yes we have just got word from Charlie and word from the wolves about things that we need to be ready about

Leah : the worms have been talking to me in my mind and everything to let you guys know stuff what they were telling me is for sure that there's definitely going to be a newborn Army Maria's on the way to help train them and everything like that and we believe that you're going to have to be trained so I'm how be ready for when that time comes

Cauis: well that's exactly what we're going to do train and everything like that and it's a good thing that Jasper used to be part of one of those newborn are made years ago and believe it or not he was turned by Maria so he will be able to help us somehow I figure all this out when I come with my training and stuff

Jasper: trust me I will definitely be able to help you out and everything but it's going to take a lot of training and everything to be ready we're going to need to be I'll be in top form if nobody's in top form I think they need to be taking it easy and being out of the battle and everything like that but I have a feeling though that even if Bella can't be fighting by that time because she's healing from having birth given birth and stuff she could still use her shield from a distant to help us so she'll still have some abilities with her powers ways to say she help and that might be one of keys to helping us win and protect our loved ones and everything that we'd love dear

What time is that was a really good idea about that cuz if I know my wife she's too stubborn and everything and she's going to want to be involved somehow we have to pick .out how we are going to be explaining everything in that to where we're going to figure this out for sure is one of the best things that we can be doing right now

Bella : you do not need to figure out how you're going to explain things to keep me from freaking out and everything to me because I overheard everything that you just said and if I cannot be part of the actual action it's a good thing that my shield and everything get help from wherever and you least I'm still be safe and I be keeping you safe as well and I'll be able to do everything that I'm a power of that is the key

Cauis : well if you have to be a part of it is a good thing that you get to be the shield and stay safely here because I do not want to lose you you have found your way into my unbeated haert and you have somehow managed to bring my soul to life and everything again and I am not going to lose you no matter what

Bella : that goes the same for me and everything like that I am not going to lose you either you are the love of my life and if something ever happened to you I will scream and be right behind you it's going to be the two of us for the rest of our lives eternity that's what love is

Aro: you guys good together and everything but it is too bad that Marcus is not feeling well and everything like that because we need him at his full power for something like this as well

Carlise: I over heard everything you said but I have good news to tell you Marcus is on making a full recovery he should be okay by the time something happens seems mates blood and Venom was just what he needs to make it

We were grateful for everything about that I wonder what's going to happen next in everything
Third person POV

With that being said everyone inside of the castle had no clue that the spies overheard everything about the babies and that they were on their way back to tell everything to as me and Edward we know one thing for sure what is going to it's going to happen when they find this out because we know for sure is that they're going to want to be able to keep the baby safe and everything at all costs but if Edward and Esme  this information how are they going to use it.

Bella POV

I got to thinking that I had what if Edward and Esme find out about my beautiful babies that have not had the chance to name or anything yet because we're still trying to come up with them what if they use this information to their advantage and somehow I missed like of somebody to be put us babies personal bodyguards until we know for sure cuz I have a feeling that they might want to come to them and use them as a trap but maybe if we set a trap using the babies I can counteract for some reason the Calm before the storm is about to come

Cauis : what going through that head of yours babe I have a feeling that there were spies around us and everything and heading back to tell Esme and Edward up your thing and if they are I have a feeling that we're going to need to protect the babies somehow because whatever they go to use them as bait

Aro : you have a good point and everything there and I think what we need to do is make sure your children are protected and everything with a bodyguard and stuff like that or maybe a couple at least it'll be never left alone we have three or four guards with them right now why they are being looked after and being kept under watch and make sure they're stronger and you still need to come up with names maybe we can use this to an advantage and trapped Edward and Esme as instead

John Pierre: that would be a pretty good idea and I have a special power that I can use to try and protect the babies with and everything and we'll also locate them automatically and I can also get us to have them sent right back here if we think about them and everything what a special transporting power I could put on them so they can pretty much teleport anywhere this way we could protect them and they're out of Harm's Way in a matter of fact bodyguard everything with them that's why we know there is not trying to be anything happening to them

Aro: forgot about your teleporting bility and everything that you have is one of your gifts brother that is definitely going to come in handy

Me knowing about this now and everything I know I'll be able to keep my friends and family safe I know one thing for sure I need to be ready to know was going to come this way even I wonder sometimes is my shield going to be enough and can we use this power to make a resin work we better get the babies protected with everything but let's see how the trap is going to help us I going to make Everton esme's plan backfire if we can

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