Much to my dismay the disgusting Asshole left three distinct bite marks over my breasts, they were starting to bruise with a slight indigo tinge underneath the marks, praying inside myself that it doesn't scar, I don't need a constant reminder of the bad things in my life.

I couldn't help falling to the floor of the shower, hot tears streaming down my face, my body shaking uncontrollably with every sob that escapes.

I refuse to let this control me, define me or change who I am, with renewed determination I got to my feet, finished washing the grime off of my body, walked over to the mirror and laughed, laughing harder than I've laughed in months. I don't know if it was finally me going bat shit crazy, or because I decided enough Is enough, I will not be treated like a pawn in the sorry excuse of a game called life, but it felt good to really laugh. I jumped into bed, held the tears back, and slept until my phone woke me up in the early afternoon.

Hey Dan, want to go to the club tonight, take your mind off everything and just let loose for a little while, remember you can't let it control you? R x

Hey Rosie, you're right as always, I just have an essay to hand in at college and then I'm all yours. D x

Arriving at college with essay in hand, you'd think I went to Cambridge University. I mean this compares to it in no way shape or form, but the college of London was old, and had beautiful cathedral walls and stain glass windows, it was like we were royalty, or important people at least. But the college was captivating either way, somewhere you could just lose yourself or feel moderately safe because there are always people around and a beautifully old building that captivates you. Making my way over to the English building I ran straight into a chest. Yes, literally ran... AGAIN. Dropping my books on the floor, and aching from the healing wounds, rolling my eyes I was about to apologise, when I saw that it was Sam I wanted to curse and cry at the same time. Before I had time to think it just took over, the anger, the bubbling crazy person laughing, the reminder that he didn't treat me like a woman, let alone a human being. I raised my fist and punched him so hard in the face that the bones in his nose sounded like they were scraping together fiercely.

"Come near me again, and you will regret the day you were born Sam, if you don't listen and really do come near me again, I will not go to the police and I will not ask for someone to help me next time. I will kill you myself. I can assure you, that you will rue the day you ever met me." The look of desperation and fear in his face at my sudden outburst, made me feel good, powerful even. I felt the sides of my lips curl into a vicious smile. Sam looked past me, turned on his heel quicker than anything. Glad that's over.

Is this it, how a mentally unstable person feels? Is this how I get locked up? Or have I finally just lost whatever fucks I previously had about anything anymore.

"Looks like you didn't really need my help after all sweet cheeks." The voice startled me out of my moment of madness, I turned around to see Zane standing there his eyes shining so icy blue, I felt my breath hitch. Okay why does this guy turn up everywhere I go, including my dreams! Okay forget the last part. Does this inane man know my name, or is he just trying to get a rise out of me, I couldn't really figure him out, and that irked me.
"So I see I'm upgraded from waitress, to sweet cheeks, tell me now were you born this cocky, or was it just something you developed over time?"

"And that's the thanks I get for helping a wounded little waitress then?"
He said with a cocky smile, one that I would love to kiss hard, but wipe off his face with a left hook too, why does he make me feel this way?

"Are you following me, because I keep seeing you everywhere, I go, and your presence is rather annoying." I bit back.

"Nope just admiring the college is all, I was thinking about enrolling here and going back home when I finish. Not everything is about you sweet cheeks." His demeanor changed, and his face suddenly looked stoic once again, he seemed bored.
Well that was enough to completely embarrass myself.
"Okay then bye" was all I could muster before getting to the English building and turning in my essay to Mr Rae.

Our English building was one of great beauty, I major in literature, so the oldest building in the college was the appropriate establishment for the subject. I admire everyday walking into the building.

"Thank you Danielle, I will see you in class on Monday." I smiled in agreement and headed back home for a night out with Rosie that will hopefully make me feel better and forget everything that's happened.
I made it to trusty Ford fiesta and shot Rosie a text before driving.

Hey rose, I'll head home grab my clothes and come to yours. Got gossip for you, and of course I can't decide what to wear, you know I'm useless at the whole girly girl stuff. See you soon. D x

Just what I want to hear. See you soon Girlie. R x

The idea of going out, having drinks and a good time with my best friend is enough to help me ignore everything for a little while and just have fun, I just need to find something to wear, I wonder if I can raid mum's wardrobe and get away with it, she always has been so much better with style.
a question kept popping up in my head, filling me with curiosity.

Would I see Zane in the lion's den?

Would I see Zane in the lion's den?

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