21. Pubescent, ignorant, British jerk.

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Gerard got zero sleep last night, his mind would run crazy and thoughts of Frank in the most horrible situations popped up, images of Gerard's nightmares would appear, which he would instantly shake them away.

He hated the fact that Frank loathed him, he didn't even want to see him let alone speak to him. All night long he was completely dreading the next day. A whole day, on his own, with the boy he was head over heals in love with who didn't love him back. It was going to be torture.

He glanced at his alarm clock, knowing it was going to ring at any moment to wake him up, which was completely unnecessary because he did even go to sleep. He rubbed his sleepy and sore eyes, making his vision blurred as his eyes wandered the messy room. His bones were sore, his chest ached form the broken heart inside it and his head banged like a massive music festival was there.

Suddenly, making Gerard shit himself with the shock, his bedroom door swung open and a skinny, lanky body stood there grinning at him "Wake up Getard!!" Mikey shouted with a mischievous smile "Last day of isolation!"

Gerard instantly flipped him off before pulling his covers over him and hiding under the sheets. He heard the thumping off feet coming towards him until they stopped and his sheets were ripped from him.

He groaned from the coldness that made him shiver and the light that came In through the curtains.

Mikey looked down at him with his remaining grin that faltered into a disgusted frown when his older brother looked at him "Who the fuck managed to beat you up in your sleep- fuck..." Mikey cringed with wide eyes as he looked at his brothers sleepless expression.

"Fuck off Mikey" Gerard scowled and rolled over so his back was facing his brother.

Mikey sighed "Seriously, what happened?" His voice covered with sudden worry and concern.

Gerard rolled his eyes and internally cringed at the thought "Frank hates me" He mumbled miserably.

Mikey chuckled quietly "No he doesn't"

"Yes, he does"


"I should be dead" Gerard suddenly said out loud, shocking his younger brother.

Mikey shook his head, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder "Gerard, what's happened. Please tell me"

Gerard rolled over, frowning as a small tear slipped from his eye "I'm a monster" He stated "I cheated on him!" He sobbed as his hand flew up to cover his face.

"Wha-Since when? you said you loved him?" Mikey questioned, a slightly disappointed and confused look on his face.

"Of course I love him!!" He wept "I was drunk! I'd d-do anything for him t-to not hate m-me!" He yelled as his eyes filled with more tears, streaming down his flushed cheeks.

"C'mon" Mikey perked up, pulling on his arm "I'm not letting you mope about" He scowled at his brother as Gerard managed to stumble upon his feet.

"What do you-" He sniffed.

Mikey sighed in annoyance "You're gonna have a shower, get dressed and sort yourself out!" he pointed to the bathroom "I will not let Frank see you like this"

"But, he hates me already, he wont-"

"Shut the fuck up" Mikey crossed his arms in protest "Wear you're best clothes- keep it casual though- and fucking go to school and show Frank you don't need him to-"

"But I do need him!!" Gerard butted in, sobs coming out as choked words "I need him so much it hurts!!"

Mikey rolled his eyes "Alright Romeo, calm down" He chuckled softly "Just get dressed and walk to school with me"

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