17. This is a bad idea

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Frank and I walked to isolation after speaking to Alex. The boy is really nice, his accent is gorgeous and well, he is. I have no clue why Frank doesn't like him and I have no clue as to why all of a sudden he's being so blunt with everyone. I understand he's still probably grieving about his mothers death, and I can't imagine what the fuck is going on inside his head, I just wish I could help him fight the battle with him.

"Frankie?" I smile at him as he walks beside me, looking down at his feet, his dark hair covering his face. He doesn't look up but hums as an acknowledgment that he's heard me "Please tell me you're okay" I sigh sadly.

He nods a little "I'm okay" He shrugs.

I roll my eyes "Don't just say it, I want you to tell me what's wrong" I try glance past his hair but find it difficult since he looks away.

"I'm fine!" He snaps and scowls at me through his hair.


"Fuck off"

I stop walking and stare at him as he continues to walk, it made my blood boil hearing those words come out of his mouth that were aimed at me. Even though i've heard it so many times before it hurt me now.

He glances back at me and for a few seconds he remains walking until he stops in his tracks and looks down, he covers his face with his sleeve covered hands and hunches over. I rush over to him and put my arms around him, as he sobs softly into my chest his body shaking I don't even ask him what's wrong.

"You're not okay" I whisper and kiss the top of his head. I hate it when he cries but if its better than him locking his emotions into a box and burying it.

"I-its just..." He sobbed again and sniffs, pulling away from me and wiping the stray tears away "I really miss her, Gee" He coughed hoarsely "I cant lose you as well!" He exclaimed as he sobbed again.

I frowned at him wondering what the hell he meant by losing me?

"What do you mean?" I question, my chest feeling heavy as I waited for an answer.

He sighed heavily "Alex"

I furrowed my eyebrows even more "What?"

"I don't trust him!" He snapped again.

"Do you trust me?"

He nodded and sniffed.

"Then everything's fine" I wiped the tears from his face and wrapped him in my arms tightly.

We then wandered to isolation, I was ready for either getting kicked out of school and then getting beaten up by my loving father, or getting put in a different classroom and leaving Frank, or getting shouted at until I'm deaf.

I kept my arm around Frank as we walked to the class, walking in and seeing the head teacher sat at his desk. As soon as he saw us he stood up and looked down at Frank, his hair as covering his face again and my arm around him lovingly.

"Frank, I understand you have been though a lot of stress this week, and I give my condolences to your family" The teacher sighed and Frank scoffed silently, looking up to show his red puffy eyes "Therefore, you will be staying in this classroom with me"

"And me?" I butted in, my grip tightening on Frank protectively.

"No, Mr. Way you will be moved to another classroom." He crossed his arms.

Suddenly Frank squeaked and wrapped both his arms around my waist like a small child. He held onto me tightly and looked up at the teacher "He can't leave me!"

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