The one with the Oscars

Start from the beginning

"Whoa whoa whoa what's going on here?" Austin said as him and Taylor walked up behind their younger sister.

"You're lunatic sister just shoved me," Logan said, walking up to Austin.

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" Austin said to Logan.

"At least I can control my anger!" Logan said, talking to Kaitlyn this time.

"Hey!" Austin yelled. Logan turned around and before anyone could stop him, Austin punched Logan square in the face.

"Austin!" Taylor and Kaitlyn yelled.

"No one talks to my little sister like that!" Austin yelled in Logan's face.

Logan swung back at Austin, but Austin quickly moved his head and Logan's fist flew into Kaitlyn's eye. The impact caused her body to turn as she stumbled back. She crashed into Taylor and the older girl wrapped her arms around her little sister's body.

"Oh my god! Kaitlyn!" Austin said, rushing over to Kaitlyn.

Austin stumbled as Logan jumped onto his back in a failed attempt to tackle Austin.

"That's cute," Austin smirked, throwing Logan from his back.

Logan threw a punch at Austin, but the well-trained brother quickly grabbed Logan's fist and threw him backwards.

"Logan stop, you can't win this fight," Logan's girlfriend warned, trying to pull Logan away. Logan refused to listen however as he ran back in Austin's direction. Logan's fist flew through the air hitting Austin's shoulder. Austin took a step backwards to regain his balance before tackling Logan to the ground.

"Guys stop!" Kaitlyn yelled hopelessly. "Ugh my eye," she groaned.

"What is going on here!" One of the security guards asked, pulling Austin and Logan away from each other.

Back to Kaitlyn's POV

We were "escorted" out of the party and quickly, Logan pulled his girlfriend away from us as they walked down the street. Taylor, Austin, and I walked to our awaiting car and got in quickly, avoiding all of the paps seeing my bruised eye and Austin's swollen knuckles.

"What the hell just happened!" Taylor exclaimed. "Are you okay Kait?"

"Yeah," I said, holding my hand over my eye.

"Let me see," Taylor said, pulling my hand away.

"Ow," I said as she turned my head to get a better look.

"Austin what the hell!" Taylor said angrily.

"Hey, I don't regret a thing. No one talks to the Swift family like that," Austin said, grinning at me.

"Thanks Austin," I said, smiling at my older brother.

"No problem Katie Kat," he smiled back.

We drove back to Taylor's LA apartment with barely any talking. We got up to the apartment and all three of us flopped down on the couch. I pulled my heels off and propped my feet on the coffee table in front of me. Taylor got up but quickly returned with two ice packs. She handed one to me and one to Austin. I put the ice against my eye and Austin rested his ice on his shoulder. Taylor started pacing in front of us with her hands on her head. She called Tree, her publicist, and waited anxiously for her to pick up. When she did, we could all hear Tree yelling.

"How bad is it?" Taylor asked.

"Uh huh," "uh huh," "okay," "thanks," "okay, bye."

"So?" I asked.

"Well, the story has already made its rounds and there's no news network that hasn't shown it, so that's great," Taylor said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Tay," Austin said.

"It's okay, I'm actually kind of glad it happened. That kid needed to be put in his place," Taylor muttered the last part.

I grinned, "Hey at least the whole world now knows not to mess with the Swifts."

"Yeah I guess so," Taylor laughed, shaking her head at Austin and I.

Taylor's laptop started ringing, showing that Mom and Dad wanted to face time with us.

"Uh oh," Austin said as we answered the call.

Taylor shined the call onto the television screen through the Apple TV, showing Mom and Dad's faces.

"Hey," we all said sheepishly.

"What on earth is this!" Mom yelled, showing the news article on her phone screen.

Austin and I looked down in shame as Taylor answered for us.

"Logan deserved it; he was being an ass to Kaitlyn," she said.

"Taylor, language!" Mom scolded.

"I'm sorry, but there was no other way to say it," Taylor shrugged.

"You guys couldn't have handled this calmly like normal people?" Mom asked.

"Austin, how's your hand?" Dad asked before we could answer Mom's question.

"Uh," Austin said, showing Dad his bruised and bloody hand.

"What about you Kait? How's your eye?" Dad asked.

"Eh," I said, taking the ice off to show my parents the purple blob that was my eye.

"Ooh, baby put the ice back on," Mom said in her motherly way.

"I just want you kids to know, I'm proud of you," Dad said to us.

"Scott!" Mom said, turning to Dad.

"What! Kaitlyn stood up for herself, Austin stood up for his sister and Taylor acted mature and helped them after. That's exactly what we taught them to do," Dad said proudly.

"Thanks Dad," Austin smiled at the screen.

"Oh I suppose," Mom gave in. "Well, we'll talk to you kids soon. You two get better," she said to me and Austin, "and you," she pointed at Taylor, "take care of your siblings."

"Will do Mom," Taylor agreed.

"Alright, love you all!" Mom said.

"Bye," we said.

"Bye," Mom and Dad said, hanging up the call.

All three of us let out a breath and Taylor plopped down next to me on the couch.

"I thought that was going to go a lot worse," I said.

"Me too," Austin agreed.

"Me three," Taylor laughed.

"Okay, well I'm going to head to bed, it's been a day," I said, standing up from the couch.

"Wait, Kaitlyn, where's Melissa?" Taylor asked.

"Oh, I thought I told you," I said. Taylor shook her head. "She moved out, got her own place."

"When?" Taylor asked.

"Last month, she said it was awkward staying her alone," I shrugged.

"Oh okay," Taylor said.

"Goodnight!" I called out, walking up to my room.

"Goodnight!" Austin and Taylor said.

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