Their Child Coming Out As Gay

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Request for tTimerwitch182

Jin: Jin would've smiled when he heard his child tell him. I think he wouldn't be surprised. He would had known for a while that his child was gay, he would have know by how they act etc. He still knew how hard it would have been for his child to tell him. Jin would pulled them in for a hug. His child was still the same as before, but just confident enough to finally be themselves.

Yoongi: Yoongi would have sat down with his child. He would slowly nodded his head and shrugged. Yoongi didn't care that his child was gay, as it didn't matter to him. His child was still the same person despite their sexuality. He would smile his famous gummy smile while opening his arms for a hug.

Hoseok: Hoseok would embrace his child in a tight hug. Same as Jin he would have known it for a couple of months but waited for them to tell him. It would make him happy because it meant that his child had finally embraced who they really are. When he heard his child laugh he would smile pulling away.

Namjoon: Namjoon wouldn't care. Well he would but to him it doesn't matter if his child is gay or not. Their sexuality didn't matter to him. He knew how hard it must have been for his child to tell him. So he was really happy that they did tell him. It wouldn't make him loves his child less. We all know that he supports gay's. Namjoon would have flashed them a bright smile, showing his dimples.

Jimin: Jimin had always known, when his child was growing up he could tell. So it didn't come as a surprise when you told him. He could see how nervous his child was. Jimin really appreciated that his child told him in their own time. He would let them know that it didn't change they way he saw them, they were his little girl/boy and always will be.

Taehyung: I feel like he would be like Hoseok, bringing you into a tight hug. He would smile so wide when they had told him. He would make sure to let them know that he still loves them and nothing will ever change that. I feel like he would be the dad that helped their child to find someone to date. Like always joking around about it, not in a way to hurt them.

Jungkook: Jungkook loves his child for who they are. He would never change the way he looked at them because of their sexuality. They were still the same child he knew and loved so much. He would try to reassure them that there's nothing to worry about. He would help them to tell the rest of the family, and when they did he would have such a proud smile on his face.

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