They Have Crush On Another Members Sister

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Request for AngelfromHell1246

Jin (Namjoon): When Jin had first met (Y/N) he wouldn't have been able to take his eyes off of you. He knew you were off limits as you were on of the members little sister. Jin been Jin he would get flustered a bit when you would have skinship. Been the oldest member he would go and talk to your brother, explaining everything. Once he got the approval for your brother he would ask you out.

Yoongi (Hoseok): Yoongi would just think it was a normal crush but when you were running through his mind every minute of everyday. He knew he had fallen. When he realised this he would groan knowing that he wouldn't be able to make a move as you're his members little sister. However when he had first meet you, Hoseok had told everyone but him that you were off limits. He would be slightly confused by this and now that he knew he had real deep feeling for you. Yoongi would go up to Hoseok and ask him. Hoseok would simply state, "I knew you two would be perfect for each other, I knew that you would fall for her. Beside I trust you."

Hoseok (Yoongi): Hoseok knew how protective Yoongi was over you. He also knew that you two were practically the same person.
Yoongi knew that Hoseok had feeling for you but he didn't want to say anything. If Hoseok wanted him to know he would tell him, and that's what Yoongi will wait for. When one day it came. Hoseok would go to Yoongi and explain everything. When Yoongi hadn't given him a reaction he got confused. All Yoongi had said was "Okay."
"You have permission to date her. I have know for quite a while I was just acting for you to tell me."
When Hoseok had heard that he would be over the moon and turn into the sunshine that we all know.

Namjoon (Jin): Namjoon is the type of person that would sit there for hours just thinking of the possible out comes. When the positive overcome the negative he would go straight to Jin, where he would talk and explain everything. So nothing was left in the dark. He knew that Jin wouldn't be against the idea but he would still do everything to prove to him that his feeling were deep and that he would never break your heart.

Jimin (Jungkook): The minute he knew you were Jungkook's little sister he would hate himself. He knew that Jungkook was hella protective over you. They all knew when they had first met you, Jungkook made sure that they knew that you were off limits. He would sit awake at night debating whether to follow his heart and going after you or his head telling him that you're Jungkook's sister. He would finally go with his heart. But before he would go to Jungkook. Even though he's younger than Jimin he would be respectful and explain everything to him. When Jungkook could feel what Jimin was saying was real he would let him go after her.

Taehyung (Jimin): When he found out that you're Jimin's sister he would go blank. He wouldn't know what to do. He would be a bit like Jimin, what the heart wants or his head. But he would know straight away. He would jump up and go talk with Jimin. Sitting him down explains everything. You're Jimin's world so of course he would be protective over you. But Jimin knew that Taehyung meant no harm. He would know that you would be in good hands with him. So Jimin would cut him off mid rant, giving his approval.

Jungkook (Taehyung): Jungkook would go straight to Taehyung when he started having feels for his little sister. The poor boy would be so confused about it all that it made Taehyung laugh. Taehyung knew that Jungkook wouldn't intensely hurt you. So he would give him his blessing, when Jungkook heard this he would turn all squishy and happy. He would go straight to you and tell you how he feels.

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