Your Mentor

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You are a trainee

Jin: He would mentor you in singing, he had his own style which he liked to stick to. You were always his favourite. There was just something about you. You didn't add on to the stress he already had like the other trainees. He would cook for you, and often teach you different dishes. He wouldn't do that to the other trainees. Everyone could tell that you were his favourite, he wouldn't hide it.

Yoongi: He would be your mentor in writing song lyrics. He would like you better than the other trainees because he can see himself in you. You two are very similar. He likes how hard working you are, you like to get things done in one go. He would sometimes find you at your worst, when you were stressed. He would help you take your mind off of it, he knew the struggle as he was once going through it. When he first found you in a state he was shocked because you had hid it so well. He helped you over come everything. He was there for you when no one else was. When you finally debut, he would be really proud.

Hoseok: He would be your mentor in dancing. He would like you better than the others as you two generally get along. You both have passion in dancing and he doesn't like how the other trainees just push it to the side. You actually care and give it your all. He would tell you to come to him even if it wasnt about dancing. When you had your debut show he would be there, hyping you up.

Namjoon: He would be your mentor in rapping. He could see that you had a burning passion for rapping. He didn't have to teach you much as it just naturally flowed from you. He preferred mentoring you because you dont slack off. You get your work done. He would be so proud when you debut.

Jimin: He would mentor you in vocals. He knew many ways to test your voice. He would make you come out of your comfort zone and test your limits. He likes to see how you naturally sung. He would teach you different ways to control your voice etc. You were always his favourite trainee, you were hard working, never slack off. You weren't bratty like the others. When you debut he wouldn't be more happier.

Taehyung: He would be like Jimin. But he would mentor you in his own style. He would teach you things that he could only do. As he's the one in the group with a deeper voice. You two would often mess around but knew when to be serous. He liked how he could easily teach you. The other trainees were harder to mentor as they were more bratty. He would be like Hoseok at you debut showcase. He you be so happy.

Jungkook: He would mentor you in different things. He was more of the person if you needed help, you go to him. He helped you out a lot in dance, singing and the odd few rapping lessons. He would always teach you what he learned when he went away to America. If you were having trouble controlling your voice he would be there, letting you take it at your own pace. He would sometimes find you at your worst, when you were stressed and he would always make sure that you were okay. He would help you take your mind off of it, he knew the struggle as he was once going through it. He would be hella proud when you debut, he would be there before and after your performance.

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