50: Love

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I stood next Adeline as we watched Adalwolf get checked out by a doctor. The Americans wanted to make sure that Adalwolf was healing and being healthy after being neglected for years. I watched carefully as Adalwolf shook as the doctor touched him, lightly.

"The doctor said that Adalwolf is extremely healthy but he wants Adalwolf to eat some more protein," Adeline translated after the doctor spoke. Adalwolf looked at his lap. "He thinks that it will help Adalwolf gain strength faster."

"I want to go back to the room,"Adalwolf muttered and I walked to him. The doctor stepped back and I put my hand on Adalwolf's back as he walked to the door. I walked behind him and Adeline followed us.

"Adalwolf, what's wrong?" Adeline asked. Adalwolf rubbed his hands on his pants as he walked faster.

"How many more appointments do I have to go to?" Adalwolf asked. He walked even faster until it was almost a flat out run. I was able to keep up and then pass him so I could stop him.

"What is the problem? They want to help you. You were on the verge of death every day. They are making sure that you are healthy," I told him as Adeline caught up with us.

"I don't care. I want to forget about all of this. As far as I am concerned, it never happened, understood?" he yelled. We watched as he walked off. I ran to catch up with him and stoo in the way.

"No, that is not understood because whatever happened in there is affecting you," I told him and he stared me down.

"That is for me to decide," he said as he walked pass me. I closed my eyes.

Adalwolf Zimmerman

(May 1945)

"Finally some time alone," Jack said as he put his arm around my shoulders as we sat in our own house listening to the radio to a German channel. My brother and sister were constantly hovering over us that Jack and I were never alone together. I was actually anxious about being alone with Jack. We had never been alone together. I didn't want him to think that I was so weird.

"Can you make me a deal, Jack?" I asked and he looked at me with kind, gentle eyes.

"What is that deal?" he asked and I took a deep breath.

"I don't want to talk about the last six years to anyone. Not even my nieces and nephews," I told him. "I want to forget about it. Just like it never happened." He nodded.

"We already have to keep secrets because of our sexuality. Could you imagine what would happen if we told anyone about what happened to us? We would be called liars," he said and I leaned on his chest.

"I don't want to be scared anymore," I said. He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. I felt his hand rub my back and I wondered if my siblings had the same thing.

Alaric Zimmerman

(July 1945)

I walked back and forth as I waited for a doctor or nurse to come out to get me. Alia was having the baby and the last thing that I wanted was to sit still while my child was being born. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair.

"Alaric, calm down. I know that it is stressful but you need to trust me," Wilson said. I looked at him and sighed. He gave me a look as Adeline bounced Tessa on her lap.

"We will tell you when they call you, Alaric, and what they say," Adeline said and I bit my fist.

"The baby is early. Alia didn't reach nine months," I commented and Adeline nodded.

"She will be okay," Adeline said and I nodded.


Nearly ten hours later, I was sitting next to Adeline as I held our baby boy. I rocked him lightly and she smiled.

"I think Alaric is a beautiful name for him," she told me as I touched his small face. I shook my head.

"Ernst Hans," I said, thinking about my late father and the late Boom. I wanted to remember the people that I had lost when I thought everything would be okay for once.

"That's beautiful," she said as she tried to take him from me. I let her as she kissed the baby's head. I had my family.

Adeline Zimmerman

(October 1944)

I screamed in pain as the doctor told me to push. My hair was plastered to my forehead. My water broke that morning and I held it in until Mother, Father and Wilson were all out then I had to get myself to the hospital where they wanted me to start labour immeditately for the baby's and my own health.

I heard the baby's cry and I looked up to see the doctor holding my baby girl. I sighed and leaned back as the baby cried out. I felt tears roll down my face with my sweat.

"Miss Zimmerman, your baby," the nurse said as she offered my baby to me. I took the baby and sat up as I looked at the small bundle in my arms. I kissed her tiny head and smiled.


"Addie!" Wilson exclaimed as he ran into the room to me. I was still holding the baby and I smiled at him. He walked to me and touched the baby's head.

"Wilson, say something," I whispered. He looked at me and cupped my cheek.

"Tessa May," he told me and I nodded. He kissed me and I laughed as he did.

"Are Mother and Father here?" I asked, softly. He nodded.

"They are in the waiting room. They wanted to make sure that I met the child before they strom in and take over," he laughed and I held his hand.

"I love you Wilson," I told him and he put our heads together.

"I love you more, Addie," he tole me softly.

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