30: Hope

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(December 1943)

Wilson and I sat in the booth we have sat in every month for three years to meet up with Eric and Sam. But this was the first time that they were late. I held Wilson's hand and he check his watch.

"They have to be okay. I mean they wouldn't get arrested for anything," I said. Wilson and I both exchanged a look and I bit my lip.

"Of course they wouldn't be arrested. That is insane," Wilson said. But was it? Was it insane?

I looked to the window and found the Gestapo looking into the pub. I grabbed Wilson's hand and he looked over at the Gestapo. He put and arm around me and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"Play along," Wilson said and I looked at him, cupping his face.

"You will have to tell me when they are gone," I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"You know you are beautiful, right?" he asked and it threw me off. I felt my cheeks turn a bright red and he just stared at me as I tried to find words.

"Thank you," I whispered to him and he brushed some hair from my face.

"I love you, Addie. More than the world and life itself," he said and I felt my face get warmer.

"I love you," I whispered and he touched my leg.

"I take it that you saw the Gestapo as well," Sam said as Eric and him sat opposite of us.

"They know a lot of things that they shouldn't and you can never be to safe in things like this," I said as I looked at them.

"That is something we must figure out. What do they know and what they do not know," Eric stated. I nodded and glanced outside where the Gestapo was still standing.

"I got a job at the government building to see if I can get into some records," I stated and Wilson looked at the table.

"Germany wants me to fight for them," Wilson said. It was something that we tried to not talk about but we had to face the reality one way or another.

"We can get you to America," Eric said. I looked at him and he set his jaw. He touched my stomach and I put my hand on his.

Pregnant. Three months. Wilson and I may not have been the most responsible but it kept us together and stable. My parents wanted to kill us but they realised that it would make us adults and we had to swear to get married.

"I can't leave Addie. Not now," he said and I pulled my shoulders back.

"I understand and we will make sure that everyone gets to America. We won't count children," Eric said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you," I breathed as Wilson took my hand and kissed it.

Adalwolf Zimmerman

(March 1940)

I sat next to Zach in the block. Erick disappeared in February but there is no use in crying over a disappearance when you have to survive. Zach and I didn't talk as much those days because he was tired from working and I was still breathless from being under holy water.

"Come along boys. Dinner is being served," the man that told Zach to take care me, Zach's father, Mr. Kornfeld, told us and we stood to follow him.

"Do you think that they will release us one day?" a boy behind us asked as we waited in line. I glanced back and the boys were probably new. Month at most.

"They have to, don't they?" the other boy said. Zach and I exchanged a look and shook our heads.

"Naïve. If only they knew what happens," Zach said. I nodded as I took my piece of bread and I was given a small portion of soup.

"You have to give us more than that," one of the boys said and I just tried to walk away but Zach was caught up in the yelling.

"Get a move on," the officer said and the boy leaned across the pot.

"And if I don't?" he asked. A gun shot rang out and the boy laid dead on the floor with a bullet through the brain. His friends look petrified and looked around.

"Get moving!" the officer yelled and Zach grabbed my arm as he started walking.

"Serves that boy right. He didn't see any of us complaining," Mr. Kornfeld said as we made our way back to the block and I sat on the ground.

"My brother use to say that the less you had the more honest you were. I didn't have bed growing up. My sister use to say that it made me the most honest person because of that and I gave up most of my food for her," I commented for no reason.

I just referred to my brother and sister as if they were dead and yet I had no proof. I just saw Alaric a little over four months before and Adeline was naïve to the situation. Maybe it was because I was slowly dying and I didn't see myself as the same Adalwolf Zimmerman that I saw in the mirror before I got into the camp.

Maybe I was dead.

Alaric Zimmerman

(January 1940)

I walked next to Booya and looked around. He was keeping as silent as I was. The dead around us was enough to make no one talk. I couldn't find any German soldiers but Bernadette was throwing up with Gen's help.

There was men, women and children and it made me sick to my stomach. I just didn't understand. How could someone just kill all these people? Booya bent down and looked at one of the bodies. He looked up at me.

"Jewish. I thought you said the camp had Jews in it," Booya whispered. I knelt down and nodded.

"It did, but I think that this is happening to them even if they are in the camp," I said and he nodded.

"This is ruthless," he said and yet we heard a single gunshot that pulled everyone's attention. Orange was standing over a body with his gun pointed at it.

"Serves these Jews right," Orange said and I looked at Booya. His hand was in a fist that looked like it would punch Orange.

"Let's move out!" Booya yelled and I got a read of the tension in his shoulders and voice.

I thought about Mr Kornfeld. I really hoped that he was okay.

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