28: Alaric

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Alaric Zimmerman

(November 1939)

I laid against one of the crates that was facing the group. Bernadette was watching me but knew better than to walk over and talk to me. Butch found her in bed with Gen but we couldn't leave either one and Booya didn't let me kill them.

"Tiny? You doing okay?" Booya asked as he sat next me. I hugged my knees to my chest and shrugged.

"Why do I have a bad track record with girls?" I asked and he patted my back.

"Because I think that little lady that has been writing you is someone you keep flirting with," he said. I looked at him. Sure, Alia and I had played with little comments but they didn't mean anything.

"You read my letters to her?" I asked. He nodded.

"I have to make sure that no location is given out," he said and I leaned back with a sigh.

"She is just a friend," I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"Some friend. She seems like she took a liking to you. I would pursue her," he said and I half smiled.

"I don't know. I lost two girls in a year," I said and he sighed.

"You certainly have a stroke of bad luck but you never know. Maybe this Alia Ziegler is perfect for you and you for her. I would at least try," he said and I bit my lip.

"I guess but-" I was cut off by bullets flying in. Booya and I both hit the ground and covered our heads. I started crawling to the weapons and I heard Booya following me.

I grabbed a rifle and shot into the trees where the bullets were coming from. Booya's gun ran out next to me and I glanced over at him. I finally caught a glimpse of someone moving and shot them. I heard the scream and looked for more movement.

I suddenly realised that I killed someone and it didn't bother me. I was more bothered by the fact that it didn't bother me and I continued shooting. Perhaps that's what my grandfather meant. He had served in the Great War and he use to tell me that killing a man was nothing after about two months when it's either you or him.

"Alaric!" Bernadette's voice rung out and I realised I hadn't been shooting. I dove behind the crates and took a deep breath.




(December 1939)

I watched as Adalwolf finally sat up on his own for the first time in a week. He smirked and threw a bowl at me. I caught it, laughing at the return of the game we use to play when someone had to do the dishes.

"You gained a few pounds," I said as I walked to the sink to put the bowl away and he patted his stomach.

"I had more food that I have had in a month this week," he said and I looked around to make sure we were alone.

"What I want to know is why they let me come here with so-called prisoners to take care of you. I don't think Doctor Mengele is being very honest with us," I said and Adalwolf raised an eyebrow.

"I think you're right, considering I share a shelf with thirty other guys," he said. I gave him a pointed look and he stuck out his lip.

"I will figure this out," I said as I sat on the couch with him. He rolled up his sleeve and I saw the letter and number tattooed on his inner arm. A-28417.

"Some of the soldiers call me this as if I am nothing more than an animal," he told me, voice cracking from the pure emotion he had.

"Because they don't know you like I do. You love singing and fashion and you love your family and God," I told him. He let out some air.

"I definitely love God. I mean why else would I be gay?" he asked.

"Those two things aren't correlated in any shape or form. Loving God does not mean that you are straight. God loves all and accepts all. I've told you a million times that you aren't going to hell," I said and he leaned on my shoulder.

(November 1940)

I was nervous. It was my first time meeting Alia and I could only guess what she would think of me. I had promised to wear my uniform to take her out. Bloody hell, she had a fiancé and yet we were going on a date. At the fair nonetheless.

I showed up and looked around until I saw a beautiful woman standing my the entrance with a hood on and her blonde hair poking out. I knew it was Alia. I walked over with all my pride.


After running into my sister, we decided to play some of the games. I was a tad tense due to the fact that there was loud bangs and all I could think of was the war zone. Alia held onto my arm and I smiled, trying not to think.

"Excuse me, Mr Soldier?" a small girl asked as he pulled on my arm that Alia wasn't holding. I knelt down and he stared at me.

"Yes? May I help you, miss?" I asked. She blushed and looked around.

"I can't find my parents," she said. I picked her up and looked around.

"What do they look like, darling?" I asked.

"My mother is beautiful and my father is big and strong," she said. Alia and I looked around.

"Honey, do you remember where you saw them last?" Alia asked. The girl tapped her chin.

"Father was trying to win me a bear," she said. I looked around and I didn't see anyone who was looking for a child.

"What's your name, love?" I asked.

"Toriella," she said as she held onto my neck. I nodded and looked around some more.

"Toriella!" a woman yelled, in panic.

"Mommie!" Toriella yelled and I looked towards the woman.

"Ma'am, I am assuming that you are Miss Toriella's mother?" I asked as the woman ran up to me. She nodded.

"Thank you, so much, soldier," the woman said as she took Toriella. I nodded as I offered my arm to Alia. "What is your ranking, soldier?" she asked.

"Assistant Commander," I said. Booya made me his assistant for expert work and after Barrel died, we kinda forgot to make a new Assistant Commander.

"Thank you for your service, Assistant Commander Zimmerman," she said as she cuddled her daughter. I forgot my name was on my uniform.

"Thank you for doing the right thing," Alia whispered to me. I smiled as I held her hand.

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