42: Differences

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Alia Zimmerman

(April 1945)

"For the love of God, Alia! Please, just come with me. Alaric has been begging me to take you. He doesn't trust that you or the baby will be safe here," Wilson told me.

"A real man would send his wife," I snapped back.

"I refused to let him stay and neither of us wanted to keep little Tessa here," Adeline said as she stood, "He could die here before I will. And Alaric will die if something happens to you."

"I can't leave him here either," I said as I touched my belly.

"He will be fine. I will make sure of it. Either way I have to stay for my brothers," Adeline said.

"Fine, I'll go but if something happens to him, I am blaming Wilson," I said and Adeline laughed as Wilson's jaw dropped.


"Why would you call us, Eric?" I asked as Wilson and I watched Eric sit across from us.

"Because Adeline sent someone from Adalwolf and he only speaks German," Eric said. I raised my eyebrow.

"They found Adalwolf?" Wilson asked and Eric nodded.

"Where is he?" I asked. Eric opened the door and a tall bone thin man walked in.

"Hello. You must be Adeline's fiancé and Alaric's wife," the man said in German.

"Yes, we are. And you are?" Wilson asked as he bounced Tessa on his hip.

"Jack, Adalwolf's.... boyfriend, I guess," the man said and I smiled.

"Welcome to the family, Jack," I said as I walked to him. He stepped away and I looked at Wilson.

"I apologise. I don't appreciate contact right now. I believe we have a lot to talk about," he said.

"I believe that we do," Wilson said as he nodded to Eric.


"Would you like some tea?" I asked as we entered the three bedroom house that Eric got Alaric and myself. Jack nodded and I went to the kitchen.

"Thank you," Jack whispered. I smiled and nodded.

"So what is happening in Germany?" Wilson asked. Jack bit his lip and shrugged.

"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted because I don't know," Jack said. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. How could he not know?

"Why is that?" I asked. He looked at me with eyes that were full of pain, sadness and what looked to be like a missing soul.

"Adalwolf and I spent the last six years in a camp who's mission it was to kill us or purify us," he said, "They held us under water. Beat us. They... raped us." He shuddered and I looked at Wilson, appalled by what he was telling us. That was all happening while we living our lives and trying to spy on Germany.

"Adeline told us and we didn't believe her," Wilson whispered.

(November 1940)

"Listen to me. Alaric saw it with his own eyes," Adeline told Wilson and me.

"Why would the government try to kill so many people?" Wilson asked. I looked up from the papers I was grading.

"How would the government do that without a single civilian knowing what they are doing?" I asked. Adeline seemed to be thinking about it.

"I don't know. But Alaric saw it and Alaric wouldn't lie to me about our brother," she declared and I looked back at the papers I was grading. All I could think about is how older siblings would always try to protect their younger siblings. I only knew because I would do it for Aida and Heiko.

"Adeline, we need more proof before we tell Sam and Eric anything about this, understood?" I asked and Adeline nodded, sadly.

"It is understood," Adeline muttered but I knew that she was going to do something about it since her brother told her.

Adeline Zimmerman

(April 1945)

"I don't want to leave you here, Addie," Wilson said and I held his shoulders.

"And I don't want you to get hurt from German forces. Sam and Eric were clear of what is coming straight for Berlin," I said and he took a deep breath.

"I don't want you to get hurt her either, Addie," he said and I held his neck.

"I won't get hurt. We have a family to think about and I know this city like the back of my hand," I told him and he kissed my forehead.

"Tessa needs you. I need you," he said and I nodded.

"I know that Wilson," I said, "But Adalwolf doesn't know you and he won't trust you like he would with me."

"Are you certain that he is at one of the camps?" he asked and I nodded.

"Sam found records and found his name on it. He is alive," I said, giddy and he smiled.

"I am glad that you are happy that your brother is alive," he said. I looked at the ground and smiled.

"I never thought I would see him again, Wilson. He is my brother and I haven't seen him since I was twelve," I told him and he kissed my cheek.


(May 1945)

I looked at Alaric's best friend and took a deep breath. He seemed nice enough but I was worried that he was going to be alone in America. I held Adalwolf's arm as we walked behind Alaric and his friend.

"Alaric is different," Adalwolf whispered as Alaric glanced back at us then looked forward again. I looked at the shape of my elders at brother and sighed.

"He is but that might have to do with the fact that he lived the most regimented life for five years," I said and Adalwolf looked at me.

"I guess we are all different," he said and I shrugged.

"I guess we are. I can't believe that it has been five years since we were all together," I told him. He chuckled.

"I would argue that we were never all together," he said. I looked at him.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Think about it. We had so many secrets that we didn't share with you. Granted, you were twelve but we didn't tell you half of the stuff that was going on," he commented.

"And I can promise you that there will still be things that we won't tell each other but what is important is that we rely on each other when it counts," I said and he nodded as Alaric stopped.

"We should make a stop at the apartment. Engel and I should snag some civilian clothes and we might want a few pictures of Mother and Father to take with us," Alaric said. I realised that we next to the apartment and I looked at Adalwolf.

"Might as well. There is one photo that I want," Adalwolf said. I nodded and Alaric opened the door to the building.

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