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Saying goodbye: a brief explanation.

So, this is the end.

I'm writing this only minutes after I confessed to myself that I finally reached the end of their story.

Scratch that and let's be honest for a moment.

This is probably the result of ten very unsuccessful efforts of me trying to express what is boiling inside of me.

Let's begin, shall we?

I'd like to mention that this has been quite a journey for me, one that started in an unorthodox way, one that has been torturing me for the past two years.

I wasn't a writer back then, or it would be more proper to say that I didn't consider myself a writer, at the time. I've been writing since I was a kid, barely tall enough to reach the kitchen counter. That's who I was, that's who I am and that's who I will be.

I've always written stories, poems and songs but they never did live up to my expectations, however, the truth remains the same, words work with me, they make my head spin and it's the only drug I need.

I went from writing for fun to writing to fill a void inside of me. I don't know why the sudden change but what I do know is that whenever someone tells me that they like the way I write or that they enjoy my story, no matter how shitty my day has been, I smile. I'm euphoric in those moments.

All the world is mine in those moments.

I'm very thankful for my characters because they managed to make me see what I truly wanted out of life. I don't want a conventional life, with a nine to five job and whatever else people consider normal these days. I want to lock myself in a dark room and write.

Write until my fingers grown numb and my eyes don't work very well.

My drive might just be my vanity disguised, I'm not sure but I also don't care.

Ax and Celia showed me the way, I just have to follow it.

Furthermore, now that this story is done, I'd like to explain some things about the book.

Furthermore, now that this story is done, I'd like to explain some things about the book

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First of all, In my head, Mick and Ax are one and the same. Two sides of the same coin, if you will. They are each other's what if and that's exactly why some things that happen to both of them are so chronologically close. Mick is the hero Ax strove to be and Ax has the strength Mick wished he had.

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