C H A P T E R 11

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He spoke the name with an air of distaste that did not go unnoticed by the blonde. The fake smile on her face widened and she was almost baring her teeth at him.

“Did you need something?” He asked trying to contain himself from slapping her hand away.

Marissa only took his question as an invitation. She let her hand drop from his shoulder and sat down next to him, on the seat that Nikolai would be occupying in minutes. The skin-tight outfit she wore did nothing to hide her form. Her breasts were pressed tightly together and Ax wondered how she was even able to breathe properly.

A teasing glint shone in her eyes. Marissa raised her arm again, this time to trail down the front of his shirt. She dug her nails into his skin trying to cause a reaction out of the brooding man. The one night they had spent together had been as uneventful as one would expect yet she continued trying to make him remember. Sure Marissa was beautiful but everything about her seemed fake. And desperate.

“Mar.” He thought that calling her by her nickname would be enough to convince her. “Nothing will happen between us again. Just get it through your skull.”

“Give me one chance.″ She purred and let her fingers fall into his lap. “I’ll show you just how good I am, then you won’t be able to let me go.” She said as a matter-of-fact.

She had been throwing herself at him ever since they were in high-school yet she still hadn’t understood. Always had been a slow learner that one.

“You see that’s what separates you from the women I actually enjoy to fuck.” He muttered already exhausted by breathing the same air as her. “They are not desperate. And they do not have to convince me.” Celia had put up a good fight before giving in to him and he admired her for that. The hunter within him had enjoyed the chase, he wanted nothing more than to claim what was rightfully his.

Marissa’s expression turned sour.

She never was really good at accepting defeat.

She would eventually crawl back to her cave in order to lick her wounds and accept her defeat but until that she would try every dirty little trick she had learned over the past few years.

Time spent in her presence was becoming more and more tedious. Her presence was intolerable, to say the least. She never had anything remotely engaging to say and so after a quick fuck, she was disposed of like an old toy. To be honest, Ax pitied her. She threw herself at him, needing some reassurance to calm the insecurities she had grown up trying to suppress. Always trying to be perfect, always trying to look composed, it had to be wearing her out.

“You’ll change your mind, you’ll see.” She promised. “Then you will see why I don’t have to beg a man to fuck me.”

“Hell will freeze over before that happens.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you, it will be getting extremely hot.”

Ax ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes briefly not really understanding why any woman would try to do anything in order to please a man. Had no one taught them that they should feel cherished? That someone should fight for them? Give them all of his attention? Love them until he couldn’t breathe, too consumed by his love and everlasting adoration?

 Had no one taught them that they should feel cherished? That someone should fight for them? Give them all of his attention? Love them until he couldn’t breathe, too consumed by his love and everlasting adoration?

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