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Chae Young

We finally arrived at his house- scratch that, his house wasn't even a house. It was a mansion- it was almost a god damn castle. "Oh my god. Holy mother of God." I mumbled out, being shook. "You like it?" Jungkook asked as he smirked.

"Yeah, you have a nice place, bunny." I said as I kept admiring the beautiful mansion. Jungkook grabbed the keys and opened up the front door. He held open the door for me and I mumbled a 'thanks' underneath my breath.

"No problem, I'm a gentleman." He spoke out and I started laughing hysterically. "Yeah sure-" I was about to roast his bunny ass, but then I looked around the hou- mansion. The floor was made out of marble and there was a marble staircase in front of me. The staircase had golden diamond sideways and seemed like it was never ending.

"You're one rich dude." I said and Jungkook shrugged. "I guess."

"I guess? You literally have golden diamonds decorating the walls and you have..everything!" I rapidly said, trying to catch my breath and he started laughing. "So, where are your parents?"

"They are currently in Europe, and my brother is in house, but for my parents I believe they are right now in Paris and they'll leave tomorrow to go to Brussel, so we are home alone, baby girl."

"Don't call me baby girl." I said as I gave him a cold glare. "I'll stop calling you baby girl if you call me oppa." I stared at him in confusion- I didn't know Jungkook was older than me?

"When is your birthday?" I asked him being suspicious. "First of September." He replied as he winked at me. I then started laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because my birthday is the fifteenth of August..meaning I am older." I grinned at him. I walked up to him and there was only a small space between us now. I grabbed him by his collar softly and whispered, "That means you have to call me noona." I smirked and then let go of his collar.

He scoffed. "Let's just study." I smirked. This boy is definetely not a dominate person.


"Oh! You have a nice bedroom, bunny." I said as I gazed around the room. It was a very huge room. He had a kingsize bed, his walls were the color red and it looked like it belonged to a royal person.

"Thanks!" He said as he smiled.

"Thanks who?" I teasingly asked him.

"Thanks, noona."

"That sounds a lot better, so, what subject do you want to start with?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Okay, let me ask another question, what subject is your worst subject?"


"Okay, let's start with that. Math is quite easy once you understand it. You just have to understand the beginning and once you understand that, everything will make sense.Math is all about puzzles and games." He nodded and I started explaining the excercises he didn't understand.


"I'm tired!" Jungkook groaned out as he slammed his math book on the ground. I nodded in reply and glanced over at my phone, to see what time it was. "Oh it is already five pm! Well, I got to go, bunny."

I said as I got out of my chair but then Jungkook pushed me against the wall. "What are you doing?" I asked, being unbothered by his small, little action. "I'm trying to seduce you?" He said but it sounded more like a question.

"Glad you included the word 'trying' since it isn't working."

"Why don't my charms work on you!" Jungkook said as he let out an angry sigh. "Because I don't like you." Jungkook started pouting and replied, "Well, I will make you like me, I will make you fall in love with me! Watch me!"

"Good luck with that, bunny!" I softly pushed his body away from mine and grabbed my backpack, getting ready to leave this mansion to go to my own house. When I was about to go downstairs, a very loud noise was heard.

"It's storming." I said as I sighed. "Bunny? Could you eh..please give me a ride home?" I asked him and he shook his head 'no'. "What, why not?" I asked him in disbelieve.

"Because I just got a notification saying that there is a huge storm going on in Korea and that everyone should stay inside till the storm is over." I sighed.

Then an awkward silence took over the space between us. " you have food?"


"THIS FEELS SO GOOD!" I said as I moaned. It's been such a long time since I had eaten pizza, so the pizza flavor on my tongue tasted like heaven. "Jesus woman, that sounded quite sexual." Jungkook said as he grinned.

I shrugged and kept eating the delicious pizza. "Want to play truth or dare?" He asked, being bored. Because of the storm, all the electricity fell out. Luckily for us, we had just finished warming up the pizza.

"No." I coldly replied, not wanting to start something that could end in an awkward situation.

"What? Why not! Please, I'm so bored!" He started whining like a kid, wanting candy. "Fine, fine. You start."

"Okay..Truth or dare, Chae Young."

"Truth." I said, wanting to start off easy. Jungkook was thinking of an interesting question, and while he was thinking I kept staring at the candles that were in front of us, since the lights were off too due to no electricity.

"Are you a virgin?" He bluntly asked him and I slapped his arm. "Is that the only thing about you, sex?" A silence fell between us and then suddenly Jungkook spoke up again, "Yes."

I face palmed but then I answered his question. "I am a virgin." I replied with an awkward chuckle and Jungkook gave me a confused stare. "Really? Wow, I actually thought you weren't virgin!"

"What's that supposed to mean!" I said as I playfully slapped his arm, making him pout.

"Don't hurt me." He said using his aegyo voice.



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