chapter one | WOLF MOON

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It was an unusually cold and humid night in Beacon Hills, California, as Nara Lim walked up the porch of her and her brother's large Victorian home. She gripped her keys tightly, a strange feeling creeping into her stomach as she neared the door and heard a thump coming from inside.

Nara furrowed her eyebrows, knowing that her brother was at work and the housekeeper always left before five. She listened for another thump, turning around and searching for an out-of-place car. Her eyes settling on the familiar baby blue Jeep that was mostly camouflaged by a tree and some bushes. I knew it was a mistake to give them keys, she thought as she opened the door and tossed her things down.

"What in the hell is wrong with you guys?" She half-yelled, walking into the kitchen where her two best friends, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski, were shoveling popcorn into their mouths. She took a handful of the snack, throwing it at them with a huff. They shook it off with laughter, Stiles quickly getting to their point of being there.

"A lot, actually. We're going into the woods to look for half of a dead body. Are you in, or are you in?" Stiles replied with a sly grin on his boyish face.

"You couldn't think to-I don't know-text and ask me?" The auburn-headed girl asked. She thought for a moment-without questioning or being surprised by the apparent weirdness of the situation. To stay here and be bored out of my mind or to go find a dead body with my best friends? Her brother was taking his usual night shift, so she really didn't have anything or anyone to stop her-well, besides good ole common sense. But what was the fun in that?

"Of course! Just give me one second." She said as Scott rolled his eyes. He clearly had wanted her to be the voice of reason, but instead, she was more than happy to tag along. She ran upstairs, ditched her purse, grabbed a heftier jacket and a bright red beanie.

She hopped into her usual spot in the back of Stiles' jeep and watched with an amused smirk as the two boys argued about how stupid this plan was. Scott was right-it was. But, they all needed to live a little. They'd been best friends for years and have been through hell and back with each other. Through her mom's passing to the McCall's divorce to Stiles' mom passing to her father's disappearance. They made a pact when they were twelve that no matter what happened, they'd always be there-if not right next to each other, only a couple of steps behind. They were a package deal, and everyone in Beacon Hills knew that.

Within twenty minutes of the boys bickering, the jeep came to a screeching halt in front of the Beacon Hills Preserve-something rushing over her bones and twisting in her stomach at the words No Entry After Dark. She ignored her gut and jumped out of the vehicle.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott asked worriedly, pulling his hood over his head.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town!" Stiles retorted, giving him a pat and rushing to cross the simple chain 'protecting' the preserve.

"He has a point, Scotty!" She gave the puppy-eyed boy a small smile before running to catch up with Stiles.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow, ya know?" He called after them, finally following.

"Yeah, because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles jeered, his voice dripping in usual sarcasm. The two had spent all of last year benched, and though it never stopped Nara from going to their games and practices-she could tell it hurt their egos.

They weren't the most athletic boys, but she liked to think that she made up for it with her extensive years of track, soccer, boxing, and every other sport/after-school activity that her dad had rushed to sign her up for in an attempt to get her out of the house. Sure, she had given up most of those things since his disappearance, but she still enjoyed track every once in a while.

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