Go Kyung Po

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Do you have that feeling that someone is watching you? The creepy feeling that the hair at the back of your neck stood up. Goosebumps. I'm having that right now! I can't shrug it off and it's driving me insane!

I look around the cafe once more. Just our normal customers. Nothing weird. But that feeling.... I sighed.

"That's a big sigh Tanya..." I heard my co worker said from behind.

"I have this weird feeling that someone is watching me." I explained to him.

"I watch you."


"No. Seriously. I watch you. All the time. When you work on the counter. When you clean tables or even wash the dishes. I watch you all the time."


He came closer and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"When are we going to go out? I keep asking you but you keep on rejecting me."

"Can't you take a hint?"

He laughed. "Let's have dinner after shift."

"Apparently not." I grumbled.

I removed his arm around me.

"No. We're not having dinner. Not tonight or tomorrow or ever. Got that?"

"Ouch. You wound me."

"Too bad it's not enough to kill you."

He laughed again.

A tall guy with glasses and hoody came to the counter. I saw him few times here already.
He would sit in the corner. Drinking his coffee.
Listening to his phone. I never get to see his eyes.

"Anyeongseo. What would you have?"

"Iced Americano please."

"Coming right up."

I prep his drink. Stealing side glances at him. He always have his head down. He never take those shades off. He never smile. He always just nod his head as a thank you. He intrigues me. If you see him you can't deny he has a great body underneath his sweater and hoody. He stands tall and carry himself well.

*If only I can see your eyes...* I said to myself.

"Here you go. Iced Americano. Anything else?"

He shooked his head and gave me a small bow.

I held out my palm for his payment. He never pay by card. It's always cash.

He placed the cash on my hand and I swear I felt him squeezed my hand ever so lightly.
I swear he did!

Then he smiled.

고맙습니다 (gomabseubnida - Thank You.)"

This is the first time he smiled and said thank you. Can't help it but I know I blushed!


"I'll see you tomorrow."


He held his cup high.

"For another coffee..." he smirked.

I laughed out loud out of embarrassment.

"Yes of course."

"Take care... Tanya." He said softly.

He then turned around and started to leave.

"He knew my name...." I whispered to myself.

I checked my uniform. I don't have my name plate on me. I never wear it. But he knew my name!


Even so.. I can't stop smiling. I can't help but feel giddy inside.

"See you tomorrow..." I said softly as I watched him leave the cafe


As soon as I got in the car my assistant asked me.

"Well have you talked to her?!"

I nod. I can't help but smile as I remember the shocked on her face when I said her name.
The smile she gave me when I said thank you.

"What did she say?!"


"Wait. What?! She only said welcome?! What exactly did you say?"

"Thank you."

"You got to be kidding me?! We've been taking a detour to this shop for the past 3 weeks now and all you said to her was Thank you?! Haven't you been saying that everytime you buy coffee??"

"Ani...I just nod my head as a thank you."

"You're killing me here!"

He continued to rant on how much time I take to buy my coffee at that shop. How much time I would waste just sitting around there and watch her as she work. I love watching her. Even if I'm sitting inside the car or inside the shop. She's like the light and I'm the moth. She calls to me.

"Go Kyung Po are you listening?!"


I heard my assistant sighed.

"I said you have a photoshoot later at 3pm. Then you'll have a few hours of reading for the new drama and then....."

I stopped listening. I started to think about her again.

*I'll ask her out tomorrow.*

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