Chapter 2; Not What I Thought

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When I woke up this morning I hadn't remembered that my mom wouldn't work today but when I heard noises in the kitchen I kind of freaked out until I saw her there. I thought this would be time that I got to know her better but I was wrong, so wrong.

"Are you stupid?! I told you to put the boxes on the floor not on the table!" She screamed at me as I tried to pick up the box filled with cups and plates. I wasn't strong at all thanks to my eating disorder and these boxes were heavy. I grabbed the box and put it on the floor next to the table and did the same to the other box, this time when I stood up my shoulder popped. It didn't hurt but it was loud enough for my mom to hear across the kitchen.

"Did you shoulder pop or was that your back?" She asked as she looked straight at me, she was obviously not in a good mood at all.

" was my shoulder." I told her.

"You useless piece of shit! If you break that shoulder your walking yourself to the darn hospital and paying your own damn bills!" She screamed and walked off to her room, her high heels clicking.

Today, she was wearing a black shirt and dark blue skinny jeans along with some white high heels and the key was still on her necklace. There was something about her room that made me curious but I wouldn't dare to go inside.

She came back in the room with a bottle of grape wine. I stared at the bottle, was she an alcoholic? This would be bad, if she was. She took out a a glass cup and poured herself some, her red lipstick mark on the cup now. The silence was soon interrupted by the neighbors screaming again.

"You know, your dad and I would of probably be like that old couple out there screaming." She suddenly whispered and caught my attention. I tried to remember how their relationship was before the accident. I... I think I remember them being... happy? I knew they had little arguments that had no meaning but I do believe they used to be happy.

"I...I thought you two were happy?" I whispered, afraid of bringing up the accident. I wasn't sure how she would react to that but something told me not to bring it up.

"Is that really what you think?" She asked raising one eyebrow. Then she smiled. "Don't answer that. We were happy. End of the conversation." She poured herself more wine.

"I'm going to pack the things in the living room." I told her and grabbed a box.

I put the box next to the brown sofa and started taking down the pictures. There weren't many and all of them were me, in the park, in the backyard, at my birthday party. There was one picture that got my attention, it was me wearing a pink dress that got down to my ankles and white little shoes smiling as a woman with grayish hair gave me a lollipop. I've always wondered if that was my grandma, But there's no one to ask.

There was a knock on the door and the heels of my mom going to answer the door. I don't remember her telling me that someone was coming over. She opened the door to a young couple standing there they seemed to be in their late 20's. The woman was pregnant and her belly was big the guy was just standing there with a smile on his face. They were both blond with blue eyes and looked very happy.

"I'm glad you're here." My mom said as she invited then in, they walked in and looked around the living room.

"It's a nice place." The woman said.

"Yes, it is. Crystal, this is Ann and her husband Eric. Ann, Eric, this is my daughter Crystal." She introduced us.

I smiled at them and said "Hi." Then got back to putting the pictures in the box.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked them.

"Do you have some water?" Ann asked.

"Sure. Crystal can you please bring some water?" My mom said smiling. I didn't really know my mom but I knew that she was faking this.

"Sure." I walked off to the kitchen leaving them to talk.

I got out a bottle water and took it back to them. "Thanks." Ann said and opened it up. There was something in the way she looked at me that I didn't like.

Yeah, I was different and had the whole 'emo' or 'goth' look but could she at least act like that didn't bother her? My hair was light brown and had many layers, I had planned to dye it black but didn't want to leave the house. My eyes were hazel and I had black eye shadow along with bottom black eye liner. My jeans were all black and I was currently wearing a plain black long sleeve shirt even though it was summer only to hide the scars on my wrists.

So I walked down the hall and towards my room to avoid them. If they were going to give me those weird looks I didn't want to see then I wasn't going to see them. I closed the door and grabbed an empty box next to my closet. I had a few band posters on my wall that covered the writing, it was something all teenagers had. I neatly pulled down all my posters and laid them on my bed then rolled them up and put them inside the box.

Next were my books. I had a huge collection of books which I loved. They were my life and filled up every place in my bookshelf that I had to get another bookshelf. So I had two bookshelf's in my room right next to each other, opposite of my bed. I grabbed the other 3 empty boxes by my closet and started to put my books in there but as I filled up one of the boxes I realized that I would need one very big box and there were a few big plastic boxes in the garage.

I walked out of my room and down the hall and that's when I remembered to take down those pictures. I started grabbing the pictures and took them to the living room where the box was at. My mom, Ann, and Eric weren't here anymore. They were probably somewhere in the house looking around. I went back to the hallway and took down the remaining pictures then went back to the garage.

I grabbed the blue box and took it with me to my room. It was big and I kept hitting it against the wall. I put it next to my bookshelf then kept filling it with books. The bigger and fatter books went at the bottom of the box while the lighter books went at the top, that's just how I liked to organize my things.

When I finished filling up the box, I had only the small skinny books left that would fit in the other brown box. I pulled the box towards the bookshelf even though it wasn't heavy and started putting the books in there. The noise of the doorknob being open distracted me and as soon as I stood up the door opened revealing my mom, Ann, and Eric.

"This is Crystals room..." My mom trailed off as she looked at the walls. They all seemed to be amazed at it. It took years of writing and pain and loneliness to write on the walls. They were my walls and that's how I liked it. I think that this room would be the one thing that I would miss. The writing on the walls.

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