Chapter 20; Reassurance

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The days went by fast and eventually Bryan moved in with us. I made time to go to the funeral and Mrs Chandler looked better when she saw me there. Of course I couldn't stay for another day, I had things to do back at home.

Mom finally got a baby bump and they also started to plan out their wedding. It was all happening so quickly and I was sometimes a little lost. School started next week and with Elliot still trying to get me to date him I felt good about myself. I actually looked forward to school for once.

"Do you know anyone else here besides me?" Elliot asked as we walked in the park.

"Ehm no."

"Well I'm obviously one of the most popular guys at school so you won't have any trouble meeting new people around me."

I laughed at him, he had a big ego but it wasn't bad the way some guys made it seem. He was simply easy to get along with. I was actually starting to consider dating him but maybe if I did I would wait until I made more friends so in case we broke up I would have other people to go to. It wasn't that bad of an idea I just didn't want to be alone anymore.

"What are the people like here?"

"Well they're... Most of the popular ones aren't really nice of course there's a few, like me, who are. There's lots of partys throughout the school year and a lot more during the summer."

"Since I've been here I haven't heard you talk about going to any party's?"

"I haven't gone to any this summer." He admitted.

"Oh? Why not?"

"Well if I'm trying to get you.." He winked at me. "Then I think I should spend more time with you than at the party's."

"Hmm... Smart." My phone rang just as we were on our way back to his car. I didn't even look at who was calling me I just answered it.


"Crystal, where are you?" It was Bryan. He didn't sound worried but there was something off about his tone of voice I couldn't quite place it.

"At the park with Elliot. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. It's just that your mom is going to go out to do some more wedding stuff or whatever and she asked me to call you to see if you wanted to go with her since I have work to catch up on."

"Oh, sure. I'm on my way back already so I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Ok, bye. take care." He hung up, not waiting for me to say anything.

Elliot had met my mother and Bryan a few weeks ago. He had stopped by to pick me up so we could go to the movies and Bryan had invited him in while he waiting for me to finish getting ready.

"Is something wrong?" Elliot asked.

"No, my mom is going to look for more wedding stuff and wanted me to go with her since Bryan can't." I explained.

"Ah ok."

He drove me back to my house and on our way back bought me mint ice cream, it wasn't one of my favorites but it wasn't so bad. I just felt like mint was better in gum rather than ice cream. We finished our ice creams just as he pulled up at my drive way. I thanked him and walked inside, the door had been left slightly opened.

I heard whispers coming from the kitchen and quietly walked over to try to figure out what they were talking about.

"I don't want her to worry about it. I'm pretty sure she's going to be stressed about school."

"But what if he-"

"I know he won't. I feel like he wont."

Whoever this "he" was, they were keeping me away from him. For the past few weeks I had tried to understand my mother and Bryan and I should at least trust them this time.

"Hey mom, I'm home." I replied loudly as I approached the kitchen. The stopped whispering and turned their attention towards me.

"What were yall talking about?" I thought that maybe if I asked they would possibly tell me. I really didn't like people keeping things from me and if they did I would of course try my best to understand why.

"Oh, nothing just some more wedding plans." She brushed it off.

Although the wedding wasn't going to be until a few months after the baby was born they both wanted to start preparing for it now. It was about a year away and they still didn't have a set date, not until they are told when the baby will be due.

"Well let's go." She smiled at me, but something about it was off. She was good at keeping secrets but not so good at whispering. If I managed to get more of their conversation I probably would figure out what they were keeping from me. I trusted her but I just needed reassurance.

~~~ A/N ~~~
Yasss I did it :3 although I wrote my chapters at like 1 or 2 in the morning they're not so bad, are they? I kinda don't have time during the day and when I do there are a lot of distractions so that's why I prefer to write at 2am. anyways,whatcha think? ^~^

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