Episode 36: Alien-nation (Part 1)

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"Somewhere thrilling!" Tuff said.

"Somewhere beautiful!" Honey said.

"Somewhere cool!" Spikehead said.

"Somewhere unique!" Iroo said.

"Why don't we just go to teleportation hole?" Meta Knight suggested. "Because all of you have different suggestions. It will take us somewhere, hopefully, where we can make a compromise."

"That works," Tiff said.

"Yeah, why not?" Tuff said.

"I just want to see an alien," Spikehead said.

"Poyo!" Kirby said.

"Well then, seat belts," Meta Knight pressed the button. UFO took off outside Planet Popstar.

"Whoa! Look at that so cool!" Tuff said as he looked at the stars and the other planet. 

"Wow, thanks Meta Knight," Tiff thanked. "I only got to see the pictures of these in a book, but now I get to see it in real life."

"You're welcome," Meta Knight answered in his usual voice.

"Wow! What is that star called?" Honey asked as she pointed at the planet.

"That's not a star, it's a planet called Pandora," Tiff answered.

"What is that thing?" Tuff asked as he pointed at the black hole.

"That's a black hole," Tiff answered. "It inhales everything that's near it. Its gravity is so dense that even the speed of light can't escape that. Fall of some stars and planets are caused by that thing."

"What about that large spiral thingy?" Iroo asked as he pointed at the spiral galaxy.

"That's a spiral galaxy," Tiff said. "And... I'm not sure which spiral galaxy that is. The closest one said to be the Milky Way galaxy, or the Andromeda galaxy.

"Wow, Tiff, you know a lot about the space!" Falala said.

"I'm just very interested in astronomy," Tiff said as she flipped her hair.

"Here we are, the transportation hole," Meta Knight announced. "Everyone, make sure you sit properly and wear a seat belt." 

Everyone sat down and tightened their seat belts. He stepped on the accelerating petal and then it took off to another dimension that leads to random planet in the universe.

"WhooooooaaaaaoooooaaaaOOOOOAAAAAAoooooaaaaOOOOOOAAAAAA!" Everyone except Kirby and Meta Knight screamed as the UFO exerted its maximum speed, which was a little bit faster than the speed of light. 

After all that screaming and yelling, the UFO safely and gently landed on the random planet.

"We're here," Meta Knight said. 

"Ooohh," Everyone except Kirby groaned as they were a bit exhausted by the speed of the UFO. They were barely ably to loosen their seat belt. 

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby wanted to do another round. 

"Where are we?" Tiff asked as she pulled herself together.

Meta Knight looked around to see where they landed. "Hmm... I've never seen this place before..."

"It looks pretty peaceful," Tiff said as she looked out the window. 

"It really seems so," Fololo said.

"Very clean too," Falala added.

"Yeah, I really like it!" Honey said.

"It looks cool and pretty!" Tuff said.

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