"Or what? Madson, you are lying to that girl and soon she's gonna find out and she's going to resent you for it."

"Resent me? Angela played me! Not the other way around. I signed the papers she gave me! I didn't know she'd given be a piece of paper from fucking kinkos!"

"Well she did and you're keeping it from Allison. Dont let this marriage begin with lies. I did that and look where it got me! The son thats blood related is a fucking serial rapist on the run and the son whom I took in hates my fucking guts."

"I'll keep it in mind but right now I'd like to go up stairs and tell my fiance that I'm sorry."

I turn without another word. My jaw aches from clenching it due to holding back my anger.

Son of a bitch thinks he's got everything figured out? Does anyone truly have shit figure out?

Once I stand outside the door to room 11, I knock on the door. No answer comes. I press mt ear to the door and hear water running so I assume Allison is taking a shower to cool off.

I don't leave my place, instead I pace outside the door and think about how I'll explain my outburst.

I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just love you so fucking much that the thought of you getting hurt causes me physical pain.

That was descent.

I can't stand the idea of my psychotic uncle finding you and hurting you. Not that you should be afraid of him... please don't have nightmares about him too.

Fuck! I'll scare her if I bring him up. She'll ask too many questions.

I wait and pace for a few more minutes until I can't take it anymore.

I grab the handle of the door and twist it.

She fucking locked it! Are you fucking kidding me!

I knock reluctantly before pleading.

"Baby, open the door," I plead with a sigh.

She doesnt answer, which worries me. I know she is out of the bathroom, I know she is standing in front of the door.

"Allison, open the damn door or I will break it down," I warn.

Again no answer. She was destroying me with her silence.

"Allison, this is the last warning. If you do not open this door, I will break it down," I say louder than before.

With her silence being the only response, I take it as a defeat and retreat to the library.


I laid on the nook in the library, drowning myself in scotch. I must have dranken 3 maybe 4 glasses by now. I stared up at the ceiling, my head pounding from the need to touch her.

I wanted my Allison back. God! Vincent was right! I was whiped. I was obsessed, in love, addicted to the girl. She was my drug of choice and I was never going to fucking stop.

I imagined she was in bed right now. Probably in a tshirt or one of her short nightgowns, hopefully a silk one. She was probably asleep, dreaming hopefully of something good, I would hate for my girl to be having a nightmare without me there by her side.

Did she have her glass of water? She likes having a glass of water by her side of the bed. She must have the window open, she liked the cool air but with spring coming I was worried the pollen would mess with her asthma.

Jesus! Her asthma! She normally has problems breathing in her sleep and I have to wake her up to take her inhaler. For the past few weeks she's had issues breathing due to the wildfires. She scared the hell out of me a couple weeks ago when I woke up hearing her coughing and wheezing. I had thought about taking her to the hospital but we stuck with a humidifier and her nebulizer instead. I didn't sleep for the rest of the nigh or the following night, instead I watched her like a hawk.

I felt my body become tense at the thought of her asthma getting worse and yet I was locked out. Sure I couls use my key but that would wake her up and piss her off even more.

Giving her space has got to be the hardest thing.

My brain seemed to spark, my ears jolted from the sound of screaming. My heart raced and scenarios rushed through me. Her asthma? Aalto sent a killer after her who snuck into her room? A nightmare?

I was quick on my feet, running out the library, up the staircase and to our room like I was running a marathon and the grand prize was in room 11.

Before I could get my keys out of my pocket I was already in a stance to kick the door down. Luckily it swung open, allowing me to see the unharmed love of my life standing in the doorway.

Her beautiful brown eyes were full of tears. Why was she crying? The sight of her tears made me want to murder someone.

I was jolted from my worries when she rushed to me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling on me so that she could wrap her legs around me. I pulled her close, supporting her by grasping the back of her thighs. As I held her in my arms, I walked into our room and kicked the door shut behind me.

She trembled into me, not wanting to let go, even after laying her down on the bed, her arms refused to let go.

"Don't leave me," she pleads.

My chest hurt from the idea of being apart from her, why the hell would she think I'd ever leave her.

I sit on the bed with her still in my arms, her legs tightly wrapped around me.

"I'm never going to leave you, baby," I reassure her.

"You won't?" She asks.

"Never in a million years. Someone would have to kill me to take me from you."

She nuzzles against my neck, I feel her tears on my shoulder.

"I love you so much, baby. You're my elsker, I'll never leave you. Don't ever think that."

It was true. I would never leave her and I'd die if she ever left me again.

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