Unlike Elane, she did not seem happy for me. She did not really smile, nor did her eyes spark at me. No, I would have killed for that reaction. What she gave me was worse. Surprise? Anger? Condemnation, absolutely. Although I can't seem to figure out why.

   Someone knocks twice on my door, before it slips open. I stand, thinking its Belle. Instead, I know how childish of me it was to think such impossible things, when Evangeline walks in instead. 

   "Hey," she greets. "Elane just left." she adds. She immediately senses my shift in attitude and her face drops. "What's wrong?"

   I shake my head, "Nothing big," I tell her but I can tell she doesn't believe me. "Its Belle."

   "That girl you've been seeing? What about her? Did you guys break up?"

   I shrug, her eyes flashing before mine again. "I hope not." I place my head in my hands. "She was there today. When we caught that red girl."

   Eve smirks, "She should have been proud of you," she says placing a hand in my shoulder. "The family was,"

   I find myself not caring for my family's approval. Belle's trumps there's, and I can't find out why. "Did you see the way she looked at me?"

   Eve goes quiet for a second, "What does it matter?"

    I look up at her, "Her opinion is important to me Eve." I stand up and she follows suit. "How can you say that?"

    "Say what?" Eve asks confused.

   "Ask how her opinion doesn't matter. You know how much Belle means to me. She-," I trail off. "She's like you and Elane. And you care what Elane thinks. Don't deny that either."

   Eve purses her lips and glances at the floor. "You're right. I'm sorry,"

   I wave it off as I begin to pace across the floor. "Maybe I should ask father for advice." 

   Eve jerks, "Why? Just go talk to her."

   I chew on my lip, "Now?"

   Eve shrugs, "Why not?" she tilts her chin outside towards the window. "Its almost dark. Go see her, talk, kiss, and enjoy the rest of the night." she grins widely her words as suggestive as ever. 

   I blush, "We've never done that yet," I admit to her.

   Eve snorts, "What's going on? Is there more to your situation then you telling me?" she laughs.

   "Believe it,  Belle and I would be way past the sex mark if it was up to me, but," I shrug, "she isn't ready yet." 

   "Still go talk to her," Eve says ushering me out the door, "Best to do it now. And maybe she will be when you finish," she adds with another short laugh. 

Evangeline Pov

   I don't like Isabelle. No, Ptolemus would say its because I haven't really met her yet. Elane says to give it time. I shouldn't jump to conclusions about her, I know that. Besides, she seems to make Ptolemus happy, and that's great. I can see why he is attracted to her. She is physically stunning. The red and gold colors of her house, makes her skin glow. A white bright smile, that normally reaches her eyes.  And from what I can remember from the Parting Ball, deep red lips, that captivate attention. But I still my doubts, and I suppose that makes me a good sister. I don't know enough about her yet. I can vaguely recall Elane mentioning her a while ago. But I paid little mind to it then. My memory of the Nornus girl is nearly nonexistent.

   I leave the house not soon after Ptolemus. A transport with my own set of guards wait for me outside. I ignore them as I climb in. I don't know what to think of her just yet. The information I do have, I don't like. Ptolemus has never doubted himself before. He had no reason to seek approval from anyone outside the family. 

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