hyuk:isnt she lovely  ?

hyo:gree I am now should we start?

hyuk:(got up and clapped his hands)ok guys hee and lee do the sofa, shin and donghae do the small table ....me and hyo will do the bed...

hyo:yah...I am not going in ,lets do the dinner table and the chairs ....


hee:hahah its seems you are in trouble hyung...

hyo:oppa(whisper him)is wrong to let them here alone...especially when you invited them for the first time to our house...

hyuk:arraso ,ok lets start (clapped his hands)

lee;(he saw how hyuk was acting around hyo when he was working with her )so edra how are you two are?


shin:well we want to see how the two are after you got married?

hyo:ahh well we are ok ,still the same whee?

hee:yah ... hugs and hits  are normal but hyong is acting different so what's up?

hyuk:nothing much ...you know....

donghae:what  that you just are couple for the show or in real life?

hyuk:yah...(hit him)

hyo:axxaax gree since oppas know I should tell you that girls know this too....


lee:seems both had the same mind xaxaxa

shin:so how far did you guys went?

hyuk:yah watch your mouth...(they both got red with the question)

hee:seems like they did it already....

hyo:i will go inside for a moment....(got too embarrassed to stay in the room)

donghae:why did we said something?

hyuk:what do you think...?

lee:xaxax ok ok....so that means you kissed already ....?(hyuk couldn't hide his smile)

shin:is obvious xaxxaxa

donghae;maybe they went farther than that(winked)

hee:ohoi....I told you from the start those two....

hyuk:enough....we just found out that we were both in love with each other since debuting days that's all....

lee:so you did it right?xaxaxa is written to your face xaxaxax

shin:axxaxa you are so red...

donghae:axxaxa at least you are married xaxax


hyuk:mm?(saw hyo)

hyo:can we talk...?in privet?

hee:ehey what about us?

hyuk;ok(grab her hand and went inside their room)what is it?

hyo:well I got a call from the girls they need to talk to me about something important 

hyuk:but hyo how can you leave us here...?I...don't believe this...

hyo:oppa you know that when my girls need me I cant help it ....I put them first ....

hyuk;i know that but still what I will say to the boys?

hyo:tell them that something happen I don't know ...oppa I will do something for you later but now I have to leave...

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