Hey Everyone

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Hi everybody! Good morning (It's 6 in the morning here right now. The time I published this) If you are reading this Annie, hiiiiiiiii!
I'm sorry I'm bored and I just gave my rabbit food at like 5 in the morning so yeah.
I haven't showed you guys a picture of my beautiful rabbit have I?
Well I got many crazy photos of her XD
Are you serious?!
It's not letting me download the picture! Blah!

Well what I have to say is she is a troublemaker, but also my child lol. I was on a phone call with a shelter from Santa Barbra (Or was it Clara? 🤔) and I thought Lua, my rabbit, had fallen asleep. Well just to let you guys know, I've only had her inside my room since Saturday and she knows how to get up onto my bed that's up to my mid back. And I'm 5'3.
So what happened was that all of a sudden I hear a sudden frantic scratching noise behind me because I left the cage open but I thought she was asleep! She had jumped onto the railing of my bed! And I was like are you serious?! So I had to apologize to the lady, run after Lua, grab her, and put her in her cage.

And also one of the shelters asked if I was ok because I was on my bed and I was like wait wait! My computer is in front of the room, Wait!

The funny thing is I called shelters in California. The breed of rabbit I have is a Californian :3 She turned 3 months yesterday woohoo!

So if you are wondering why I'm calling shelters in Santa Barbra or Santa Clara and one from one I found on Instagram is because I want to do something to help them!
I'm planning to do a fundraiser! For animals!

Ai my lord I called like 5 million people this week.
And the week hasn't even ended yet. So yep!

Well yep!

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