Hey Everyone ^-^

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*Puts Lua in your face but then quickly pulls her away* I forgot she is in her shedding season...
I babysat a Flemish Giant for 20 minutes today!
How did that go?
Well he tried to *Coughs* Lua while she was on my lap and he was next to me, but he was calm most of the time.

Ok I have some advice for anyone still reading this and going through depression or going through life and it seems to suck.
You guys should listen to the band Icon for Hire
You should read their book.
They are amazing!
There songs are amazing!
They are a rock band btw!

Songs I recommend for those going through depression and Self Hatred
Under the Knife
You Can't Kill Us

People going through just a life that sucks:

All there songs!

Name of their band:
Icon for Hire

You... they are really amazing people. I swear.
You can follow them on Instagram by @IconforHire

Shawn has one too but he hasn't posted for years.
Don't believe that they really care?
Ariel's book is about her journey through self hatred and how to deal with having it and how to get over it and she even has a YouTube channel called TheRelShow
The created the album You Can't Kill Us after going bankrupt and Shawn went through being an alcoholic, but they wanted to help people like you.
Enough evidence? Well I need to go!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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