Emoji Of The Day!

28 2 5

Pick what emoji you want to use for the day! Like when I have one of those headache days, I always use XD Without a headache, like yesterday, I put >_< in almost every single comment.  Ok, even if you are in a happy mood or your not suffering anymore, still choose a happy emoji please! Or any random emoji! I don't want you getting depressed over an emoji!


💭  (It's not bad, it's you thinking lol)
🤡 (If you are scared of clowns, no)
😏 (Haha that face though XD) (No I do not have a headache XD)
😴 (Haha when you fall asleep in the middle of a conversation)
😈 (I do not recommend this, but atleast he is smiling?)
👻 (If you are scared of ghosts, no)
👽 (Haha he is smiling XD)
👹 (Not this either but he is smiling XD)
(Oh my glaux someone help me >_<)
(And all the freaking happy emojis)
What emojis not to be used:
-Middle finger
-What you are allergic to
-Things you are scared of

Be happy! Not freaking sad!

If I'm gonna make another book for other people who are suffering, I'm gonna copy and paste this >_< Too many emojis!!!!!
I posted about 100...

*Faints again*

Lord please help me >_<

So yeah.
You only need to pick one per day.
But you have to use it.
You HAVE to
Not in an inappropriate situation though like emm...
Let's say someone farted.
It's like >_<
So yeah.
Here is a trick.
Ask your parents permission for this first though
Dress up or act out like your emoji
Like let's say you picked punk girl.
Find anything in your room  that will make you look punk
Like I have an old t-shirt from third grade that shows my whole belly, so I put a shirt underneath it that covers my belly.
Compromise child!

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