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This song always makes me want to laugh. You may be wondering why because it's not a laugh to song, but it's happy. I went to Barcelona, Spain for 2 1/2 days and then went on the cruise around south Eastern Europe for 2 weeks.
When the song says dancing on the streets of Barcelona, I remember that truck playing music and people were dancing and running after it.

"DANCE LIKE THEY DO IN THE MEDETERANIAN"  I remember the flamenco dancer stomping her foot and then throwing her dress around.

"Spin me around again and again" I remember the dancer spinning.

"I fell in love with the sparkle in the moonlight" I remember the little square we went to eat in the dark

"We'll dance around the Segrada Familia" Well first of all, if you don't know what that is, it's a big church in Barcelona in which was partially destroyed during World War II where a bomb went off. Segrada I believe means "Holy" and Familia means "Family". This reminds me of walking around that church. They are rebuilding it by the way.

I also have a memory of seeing a Grey Hound for the first time. A guy was yelling at me in Bosco >_< Bosco is their type of language, and it's not the same as Caribbean Spanish. But I almost fell on the street because of him, and my mom was like what are you doing!

You also should have seen the kids in Italy. THANK GOD ONE OF THE KIDS SPOKE CARIBBEAN SPANISH! Why? I talked to a young kid who was eating before school. Suddenly he left, and all of a sudden a girl and her friend come over to me, and a group of young kids surround me. The girl asks me if I am American and I was like yes..... and they all started squeealing as if they have just met a new species of animal. She said her name was Lisel, and I said my name Victoria, and she was like I no speak English. I wanted to scream. My mom was like why can't she hear me?! And my aunt came over and I saw her with her hand (She is tallll) and I was like I need to go and the boy was like I know English. And I'm like not..... helping....... I have to go. Then he moved and let me go.

I also got yelled at by a French Guard in Marseille, France when I couldn't find my mom and I screamed MOMMY! But we were in the front and a mass was going on inside. My uncle some how got in even though the French were only aloud in.

Haha they thought he was French XD
And he looks no where near French XD
He is Cuban XD

None of my family is French. My father is Italian though.

When I told my friend that Naples has really good pizza, and they were the first people to make pizza, she thought I meant Naples, Florida XD I really meant Naples, Italy. The armpit of Italy.

Warning: If you ever go to Greece, watch out for smokers who are bringing a cigarette to their mouth.

I almost got hit in the face with one.

Yeah it was a disgusting experience with that.

I also had asked my mom if I could have a mudslide not knowing it was alcohol XD

Well yep.

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