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This was actually made 11 July 2017, but I posted it on 12 July 2017 so I do it day by day.

Ok the title is weird I know. It's a song by the way. I'm gonna explain it as soon as post the song. My reference will partially make no sense but I hope you like it! Capiche? Capiche. Wait MONSTER DON'T RUIN IT!


My mom thought I was nuts right now because I was bouncing up and down in the car while listening to music.

Ok ready?

Listen to it before you look at what I say. Or skip it.

If I was talking to you face to face, I would say look at me directly in the eyes, while I'm speaking, but ignore that....

Never forget this.

God will be your hero. In any situation you are in. When it's your time, it's your time. If death is on it's verge, always keep strong, but don't forget god is at your side and so is your guardian angel, and they will help you get through it. God is who decides it, but show him you still have a lot of fight left in you.

Now I'm listening to Don't Wait.

I really want to publish it today but I want to do it day by day >_<

See ya tomorrow I guess?

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