Chapter 9: Somehow

Start from the beginning

"What do you want?" You asked coldly. You felt him seat next to you. He nudged your shoulder as he gave something to you. You looked up angrily, you saw him offering you a blue ice handkerchief. You looked away, but he still offered it to you. After a few rejections, you finally accepted it. You wiped your tears away. It was cold. 

You shivered. You didn't have your cloak on so it was your crop top, skirt and knee socks. Jack noticed cause he removed his blue hoodie and placed it on you. You were shocked, you slowly turned to him. 

"Y-You should really wear something comfortable a-and that will keep you warm." Jack stuttered, scolding you. You giggled a little.

"I'm the one who's cold but your the one's stuttering. That's weird.... But how 'bout you? Aren't you cold?" You aksed in disbelief.

"I'm the Spirit of Winter, I don't get cold." Jack said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Silence fell upon you both. No one dared to break it. You both avoided each other's gaze.

"I'm sorry..." You heard Jack said. Instead of feeling pity and forgiveness, it filled you up with anger. You angrily faced him. 

"I'm sorry? That's what your only gonna say?" You asked angrily.

"Fresh start? Fresh start my butt..." You muttered under your breath but Jack heard it.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to get angry at you. I was just stressed with something... I'm sorry." Jack tried to make eye contact with you but you looked straight forward and ignored him. He flew in fromt of you. You tried to look somewhere or to move, but he held you by the shoulders and made you look by into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am. I'll make it up to you, I promise..." Jack said as he gazed into you eyes. Ypu gazed into his eyes too. Then a bright light engulfed you both.


Cries... Red... Screams... Sadness...

That was the first thing you noticed as you woke up on the hard cold ground. It wasn't the wood floor of the Library. You looked around curiously, it was oddly familiar. Then you saw someone wearing the same outfit as you are with a cloak go inside a burning house, it was you. Your eyes widened as you now know where you were, it was the village where you encountered the baby you saved many years ago. 

You were in a memory. You were somehow in the past. Manny must have brought you here. Manny has lots of powers, and this is one of them. Manny could bring someone to the past because he wants them to change something in the past or wants them to know something. You weren't surprised, Manny did this to you when he wanted to tell you something or to let you know something that you'll need later on, but what confused you is that what did he want you to change or to see.

The you saw something more shocking, walking to the burning house was none other than Jack Frost with his hoodie back on. But that was impossible. This was your memory, how in the world did Jack get inside it.  You ran to him quickly before he could touch the younger version of you, he was 2 seconds away from touching you when you jumped to him. Jack was underneath you and you were lying on top of him. You looked in each other's eyes again and was almost hypnotized but you shook your head and got up. 

"Jack? What are you doing?" You aksed confused.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked too.

"I'm stopping you from ruining my memory. But wait, what are you doing here? How can you be here?" 

"Memory? Is that where we are?" You nodded. Then you heard a cry, a cry of a familiar child. You decided to go inside. You heard Jack follow you closely.

"Isn't that you?" Jack whispered.

"Shut up! Or she'll hear us!" You whisper-shouted.

You both followed the younger you inside. Then the younger you came across crib with acrying baby in it. You and Jack hid behind a flaming table. You both watch the ypunger you try numerous times to touch the child.

"Epic fail!" Jack whisper-shouted while chuckling at the sight. You elbowed him in the stomach while glaring atbhim that said shut-up-or-else-I'll-kill-you. Jack immediatly kept quiet.

The the younger you finally picked up the baby and jumped out of the nearby window. You and Jack ran to the window and saw the young you land safely on the stack of hay with the baby.

"Quick thinking..." Jack commented. You nodded in response.

You both then saw a woman with brown hair and eyes, tears were streaming down her face. The younger you laid the baby gently on the hay as the woman came closer to you and the baby. You smile gently as you saw the mother cried tears of joy. But you heard Jack gasped beside you. You turned to him to see him crying with eyes wide. 

"Are you okay?" You asked as you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Its her... Its my mother..." Jack said as more tears streamed down his face. 

"That's me. The baby you just saved was me when I was still human." Jack said. As soon as those words came out, your eyes widened in shock and you lost your ability to speak at the sudden realization. Then a bright light engulfed you both and then it went dark.

A/N: Cliffhanger!!! I'm so sorry for the long time to update. I've been having lots of school projects lately which we had to submit within the last few days cause next week is Christmas Vacation (Yay!!! *Partying like a Maniac*) I've been also busying with my life.

Please comment down there to tell me what you think about the story, I'm starting to think no ones reading it anymore cause of the slow updates. I'm really sorry, I really am. If you could share my story to your friends that love ROTG, I'd really be grateful (Its only a suggestion, you don't have to do it.) Its gives me inspiration to update this story even more.

Thank you for waiting for me to update this story. I was going to update last night but I fell asleep. I'll try to update whenever I can. Byeeee.....

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