Meeting Emily

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"So, what classes do we have together?" I asked Emily.

She put up her finger, indicating to wait a moment. As I waited, she was still checking her schedule out and after minutes of it, she took mine. Mind you, without my permission. I stared at her incredulously.

"Aha! I've got it. We have all classes together! Isn't that amazing?!" She laughed hugging me tightly. It's kind of hard to breathe with her crushing me. Gosh, this girl is strong.

She finally released me after a minute or two. As she let me go, I still stared at her incredulously. This girl is crazy. Of course, me being me, voiced out my mighty revelation.

"Thanks. I take pride in being crazy." She grinned at me. I shook my head at her, trying to stop the smile that's trying to slip.

She again linked arms with me, leading us to our first class. She babbled on and on about herself. I imprinted her information with my mind. I'm usually acquired to do this. Safety purposes.

Emily Blu Sapphire Jordan. Has curly brown hair, electric blue eyes, pretty tall, beautiful, pale skin and has a white strip of hair making her look rebellious. She can speak four different languages, very smart but also very lazy. She is a hyper girl,well, hyper when she's excited but other than that she's pretty negative and lazy.

We entered the classroom early and went to sit at the back, next to the window. Emily sat in front of me, quickly turning her seat around. She babbled more and I listened to her intently because of her crazy adventures.

"And then, when I tried to ask him what the problem is, you know what he said to me?" She asked angrily. I shook my head and answered "No."

"He said 'I'm sorry but my banana prefers other bananas.' Can you believe it?! My handsome player of a boyfriend prefers the same team! He likes dicks!" She screamed exasperated. I laughed at her. That is truly an unappreciated experience for her. Her words not mine.

"Of course me being the caring girlfriend I am, asked him if he just wanted to have sex with me and another guy. I mean I'm not against threesome if that's what he wants-" at that I gagged. Too much info. My gagging didn't even do anything to stop her.

"- But nooo! He wanted me out and only the guy! Ugh! He then proceeded to break up with me saying 'It's not you, it's me.' In a fit of pure rage because of the break up and that stupid over-rated line, I tackled him and kept pulling his hair and I even threw his cellphone for good measure." I laughed at her and she laughed as well. This girl is very entertaining.

"Of course that was the past. He got over it and we stayed friends after that." I smiled at that. I always wanted a gay friend. They seem like fun people and they won't hurt you. Unlike straight guys. This thought leads me back to Chase. I quickly shook the thought away and sighed.

"Quiet down class!" The teachers voice boomed. We didn't even notice him or our other classmates pile in. The teacher soon started to babble on but my mind just drifted away.


"Char!" A familiar voice snapped me out of the daze I was in. My eyes travelled to the brown locks of hair and familiar face in front of me.

"Emily. What's wrong?" My voice laced with confusion. Why was she here? I looked around me and saw nobody else was here, which made me realise something: Where is everyone?

"If you're wondering where everyone else is, they left already. You've been staring at nothing for about two minutes now. I've been trying to get your attention but you were so out of it. What's wrong?" She asked, repeating my question.

I shook my head. I can't tell her about my unhealthy obsession about Chase. Nor would that make me look normal. Besides, I can't have her knowing my feelings about him yet. She doesn't even know him because I didn't bother explaining who was who. Thank God she didn't look like she wanted to know.

I can tell she wanted to ask but didn't press. I thanked her, gathering my things and leaving the school with her. It was already almost empty at the halls. Every student must have been in a hurry to leave. Time didn't seem to slow all day. I didn't even feel nor remember the day. I was in a haze.

"Alright. Since you're my new bestie, I want to have a sleepover." She told me, leaving no room for arguments. I chuckled and nodded. This girl is growing on me.

"Whose house do you want to do the sleepover at? Mine or yours?" She looked like she was thinking hard about it. Her eyebrows scrunched together. It's funny how she looks like she squinting when she's thinking.

"If we do it at my house, you'll be meeting my terribly obnoxious brother and sister, as well as my parents. If we do it at yours, what would happen?" She asked me. I thought about the stuff we could do at home but I wanted to meet her family to make sure nothing is suspicious. You can never be too sure.

"I'd like to do it at yours. I live in an apartment alone and there's nothing much to do there for a sleepover. Also, I'd like to meet your family." I told her simply. Basing on the shocked look she has, I'm guessing she didn't expect that. Maybe she thought I would have liked to do it at my house. A smile broke out on her face, making me confused.

"Wow. I'm shocked you live alone. I mean, yeah, I see you as independent but alone? I thought I would have met a relative or something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this to make you hate me, I just really wanted to see if your family are as good looking as you. But thanks for saying you want to meet my family-" She rambled on, seemingly nervous.

I chuckled, stopping her from rambling some more. "No prob."

"Alright! Do you know what time it is? Sleepover time!" She screamed fist pumping.

"Did you just quote Adventure Time?" I asked her amused.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because my elder twin brothers names are Finn and Jake." I told her with a light smile. Secretly, I want to see if she'll squeal, scream at me and ask to meet them.

She squealed. Check.

"That's so cool!" She screamed at me. Check.

"Can I meet them?" And checkmate.

I chuckled at her. This girl is just so predictable. But I love her really.


Authors note:

And that's crazy ass Emily! It was sooo hard to think about what kind of girl I'd like Emily to be. There wasn't even supposed to be an Emily to start with! But yeah. Anyways, I promise you guys that Charlie's life or rather, love life, will get better.

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I'd like to know what I did wrong and I apologise to the commenters if I don't reply. I just get to ecstatic with comments that I always have an internal battle whether I should reply or not. In the end, I always wimp out. So I'm terribly sorry!

-Julie PeraltaXOXO

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