Meet my brother...

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Chase!" I said, shocked that he would even be at the mall. Specifically, The Bookstore. 

The Bookstore's name is Library, by the way. I guess I get confused as well with the name. I mean, a bookstore with the name library? Really?

I heard a cough, a very forceful one at that, next to me pulling me out of my reverie. I sighed. I seemed to be doing that a lot today. I looked at him and saw he had a very happy face. I wonder why? He must've noticed my confused look because he suddenly dragged me out of the bookstore and to the Ice rink in the middle of the mall.

"Ta-da~!!" He shouted in a sing-song voice, shaking his hands like I was a winner or something.  I gave him my 'Are you crazy?' look and he just lauged it off. Wierdo.

"What's with the Ice rink?" I asked kinda curious as to why he sudddenly wanted to go here.

"Well since it is the first time we went out as friends, I think we should make it fun!" He happily told me.

"Seriously? We aren't going out as friends, you dragged me here. I dont want to go Ice skating." I told him emphasizing the word dragged.  He pouted like a child and practically begged me to go Ice skating. After a series of pouting, begging, bribing and even forcing, I finally caved in.

He helped me with the Ice skating shoes and the safety gloves, he helped me move onto the rink. I even stumbled a few times but tahnkfully with the help of Chase, I didnt get hurt, much. The only thing that actually got hurt was my ego.

"C-chase!! I'm gonna fall! The boat is about to sink! Help! help!" I screamed at him to help me, but to no avail. He was busy gliding around the rink like a pro. Pro my ass!  He isnt even trying hard.

I soon fell face first on the rink. And let me tell you, it hurt like a b*tch! Want to know what Chase did? He laughed. He freaking laughed! I growled under my breath and stood up. But even if I struggled a bit at standing up, my rage didnt let me fall down again. I glared at Chase then turned and went straight out of the rink. He kept shouting my name, but I didnt listen. I took off the skating equipment and wore my shoes.

I speed walked away from the rink and stopped only when I bumped into someone. I was about to apologize, but when I saw who I bumped with, I turned pale.

Chase soon arrived next to me, panting. He apologized to me and it seemed he didnt notice the other person next to me. 

"Lee.." The person said. I couldnt respond. But on the positive side, Chase finally noticed the peson and turned to look at him. When he saw that it was a he, Chase frowned.

The person hugged me with what I call, a killer hug. Chase growled at him and snatched me away from him and put me behind him. He was trying to protect me. I blushed at the thought but quickly shook it away, thinking it not to be true.

"Who is he?" Chase asked me, suspicious of the person. I sighed. It's time he met him. I mean, he is my friend.

"Chase, meet my brother..."

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