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hey guys
i just want to make something clear
michael has severe PTSD that has to do with sexual assault/rape
this will make an appearance later
but truthfully
michael and jeremy may never have sex
it would be too much for michael
i'm sorry that i'm not gonna write that sort of thing
and i'll leave it up to interpretation
but truthfully
this is my character interpretation
and they won't do it in this book
thank you guys for understanding
now without further ado
the actual chapter

"good morning boys!" michael jumped as he heard squip's voice from the front door. "how was your weekend? mine sucked major ass but i'm sure yours was better!" jeremy chuckled.

"bet we'll give you a run for your money. ours was fun at first," jeremy faded off, looking at michael. michael shook his head subtly, as if to say that he wasn't ready to talk about it. "actually it was fun all the way through," jeremy finished quickly, taking his meds in order to shut himself up.

"okay? is everything alright?" squip could sense some tension between the two boys and himself.

"therapy," jeremy stated. "michael needs therapy. and as his new family it's our job to get him that." michael choked on his bite of cereal, spilling some milk on the crotch of his pants. squip's eyes widened.

"um, alright." he shrugged, placing down his briefcase and sitting down next to michael. "i'll schedule an appointment with jeremy's old therapist, mr. tuckerman, for thursday, does that work?"

michael was astonished. he had never actually thought of therapy as some simple thing; his parents never treated it that way. all michael could do was nod.

"perfect! i'll call while i'm at work. catch you boys later!"squip said as he picked up his briefcase once more and rushed out of the house.

"that went well!" jeremy said, taking michael's now empty bowl to the sink and rinsing it out.

"yeah..." michael mumbled, still in complete shock. "thank you. so much," he suddenly said in a stern tone that jeremy had never heard before. michael stood up quickly as jeremy turned around and pressed his face into jeremy's chest, hugging his warmly. "it means so much to me."

jeremy smiled slightly, running his hands over the soft fabric that lined michael's newly iconic red sweatshirt. "of course. what kind of boyfriend would i be if i had just let this slide and pretend to have forgotten about it?"

michael shrugged, "a normal boyfriend. but you're not normal, you're the best." jeremy kissed the top of michael's head, briefly nuzzling himself into his scraggly hair.

"and you're my best," jeremy said, releasing from the hug. "and our teachers are gonna be the worst if we arrive late. let's get a move on, the bus is almost here." just then, michael's phone began to play his ringtone softly. he picked it up and pressed the phone to his ear.

"go for michael," he said as he usually did when he answered the phone. "uhuh? yeah, uh, this is him." michael's face fell. "you're kidding..." he muttered, his voice beginning to break. "i understand. i'll be right there."

"michael what was that?" jeremy asked, putting his hands on michael's tense shoulders.

"i have to go. tell my teachers i'm sick if you would," michael said, walking away from jeremy coldly.

"who was that?" jeremy reiterated in a firm tone. "what happened." truth be told, michael could've told jeremy what had happened, but he didn't want to burden him.

"just some trouble with my old friends. they need me to bail them out," michael lied. "i'll be back before dark, i promise." another lie. he knew damn well it would take longer than that.

boxing lessons// boyf riendsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora