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"mikey!" a girl in tight leather clothing and bright red heels came up and hugged michael tightly.

"hi, silvia," michael said uncomfortable, attempting to push her off.

"i never thought i would see you again! i'm so happy!" she squealed and punched him in the shoulder.

"yeah, never thought i would see you either." michael rubbed his shoulder awkwardly, looking around at his old base.

the base was the same as when michael has left, only with a few adjustments. instead of old lawn chairs now there were bean bags in every corner. there were old business neon signs hanging around to provide the ominous green hue that was now lingering in the room. a bar with half empty gin bottles and guns lazily thrown around on top was on the left side of the room. under that bar were bright green cylindrical stools.

"you wanna do a line, you know, while you're here?" adrian said, sitting on one of the bean bags and setting up a line on a tray. "i won't charge you."

michael scrunched up his face. "um, no thanks. i stick with soft drugs nowadays. thanks for the offer though." adrian shrugged and sniffed up the white powder. michael cringed at the sight of his pupils dilating immediately.

"so, this favor of yours, what's the deal?" clarence asked, pulling out a stool for michael to sit on. "how big of a favor is it?"

"well, um," michael wasn't really sure how to phrase this. "i have a boyfriend now and i love him very much–" silvia cut him off with a gasp.

"michael! i didn't know you were gay! that's awesome you're totally gonna be my new gay best friend," she rambled. clarence told her to hush so she began mixing drinks for michael and clarence.

"as i was saying," michael continued, "i have a boyfriend and he means the very world to me. but lately he's been getting attacked. yesterday he got assaulted and the first time we met he got beat up till he could barely see! it's a nightmare to think he's scared wherever he goes. so i need you to protect him. wherever he goes, one of you guys go. just until we graduate, which is in the spring. it's only a couple of months, okay?"

adrian snorted. "that's gay," he said, snorting another line.

"and you'll do what in return?" clarence asked, rolling his eyes at adrian. "you're our family, but we still need something in return."

michael hadn't thought he would get this far–he had nothing prepared for this part. "uhm, i'll do anything you want! i swear, just please keep him safe."

in the next forty minutes they mapped out everywhere that jeremy would go in a weeks time. adrian would get a job as a sub and protect him during school hours, clarence would watch him on his way home, and a few others that weren't here were stuck with weekend duty. michael thanked everyone and headed toward the door.

"oh and guys?" michael turned as he grabbed the doorknob. they nodded. "jeremy doesn't know, so please don't tell him. he hates to think he's a 'burden' on some people. don't make it obvious." and with that, michael walked out and was back on his way to school.

"where were you?! i was worried sick!" jeremy said as michael walked back into his room.

"i was..." he had no excuse. "out." he took off his coat and hung it up.

"out?! really, just out? you were gone for two hours in the early morning and you were 'out'? what the hell?!" jeremy punched michael in the shoulder. hard.

"jeremy..." michael rubbed his shoulder and looked away.

"michael, i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean too. i'm so sorry," jeremy stuttered, tears welling in his eyes. what had he done?

"why are you sorry?" a smile formed on michael's face. "that was wonderful!" michael picked jeremy up by the waist and spun him around. "you just threw a real punch!"

"b-but i hit you! that's unacceptable of me!" jeremy's head did backflips with thoughts. why wasn't michael mad?

michael was overjoyed at the fact that jeremy could punch. it meant that in dire situations, he could actually protect himself a little. "what do you mean unacceptable? you just threw a real fucking punch! those boxing lessons paid off, jer!" michael kissed jeremy on the cheek. "good just honey."

jeremy was astonished that michael wasn't mad at all. "um, thank you? i'm still sorry about hitting you," he said, rubbing his arm.

"oh don't be! i'm alright, and i'm glad i could see you punch!" michael exclaimed, pulling on a fresh pair of jeans and his red hoodie. "you ready for our last day in detention? we're free men after today!"

jeremy nodded, smiling. "alright! let's get going then!"

within in next minutes they were fed and out the door, with meds this time. after a few minutes on the bus, sitting with rich and talking about the muppets (which he was strangely obsessed with) they were at school.

the school day went by with no harm done to either of the boys. adrian was their sub in environmental science class and he watched over them subtly, no attention or accusations being brought his way.

during detention they the original person, so that was a fun detention. they sat in the room while the teacher was still there and played trivia. jeremy was good at the movies/actors category. jenna was good at crime studies. chloe and brooke were both equally good at makeup and karate. rich was good at cartoons, this kid named connor that was in there was good at drug laws. michael was good at ballet. everyone was shocked at how perfect his plié was. after that, they all took separate cars and went home.

michael and jeremy walked home as usual and there were no disturbances at all. michael saw clarence when they passed the pizzeria and he nodded at them, signally that everything was clear. michael silently thanked him.

when they arrived home they smelled an aroma they could only describe as heavenly. "squip?" jeremy called through the house as he set down his bag. "are you cooking something?"

"boys!" squip's voice rang through the house. "come into the dining room! i have a surprise!" michael and jeremy looked at each other, shrugged, then walked into the dining room.

what they were all of their friends around the table. jake, rich, jenna, chloe, brooke, and even christine. "we wanted to welcome michael properly into the heere family. so come, sit down, let's eat some non-crappy italian food for a change!" squip gestured to two open chairs by the end.

"well what are you waiting for? dig in!" squip said, pointing to all the good food on the table. there was linguini, lasagna, spaghetti, ravioli, pizza, garlic bread, and so much more.

"how long did it take you to make all this?" jeremy asked, scooping some lasagna on his plate. michael went for the ravioli and garlic bread.

"all day! but it was worth it to show my new son a good welcome. tell me michael, what's it like to be a heere?" squip asked.

michael chewed his bread quickly and swallowed. "it feels pretty damn good. i love you guys."

"we love you too!" they all chimed in. michael had never been happier.

that was a long chapter
i'm tired
i'm sick
i'm sorry it took so long
but also thank you guys so much for 2k reads!! that's so awesome!!
i never thought i would get this far!!
thank you guys!!

sincerely, an excited me.

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