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"so, if the square root is 39..." the teacher was going on and on about something, but michael had no idea what she was saying. all he could pay attention to was him.

will was sitting right across from him, licking his lips are staring around the classroom as if picking out his next target. There was a nice couple, evan and jared, whom he looked at first.

evan has his head leaning on jared's shoulder, and jared was stroking his hand tenderly. they had been together since, well, as long as michael had known, which was freshman year.

the next couple he stared at was a small boy named alexander and another named john, but everyone called him laurens. the entire school was jealous of this relationship, it was perfect.

another couple he stared at was everyone's favorite, hercules mulligan and marq lafayette. Everyone called them lafayette and herc. they were the touchiest of the couple, basically sitting in the same chair and laying on each other. michael thought about how he and jeremy should be like that, but shook it out of his mind as will moved on.

he then looked at the only lesbian couple in the room, maria reynolds and eliza schuyler. they had only recently gotten together, but were already acting like a married couple. maria was paying attention to the lesson while her hand was on eliza's thigh. eliza was blushing majorly, even though maria was doing it lovingly, not sexually. michael chuckled at them.

the next couple was the most popular couple in the school: Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. they had been together off and on for all of high school. it's a roller coaster. you're either team james, team thomas, or team jeffmads. michael was personally team james, he was just such a sweetie and didn't deserve the drama that thomas pulled him into.

the last thing will looked at was not a couple, but jeremy. he stared at jeremy, licking his lips like he was looking at his next snack. michael was filled with rage. it was only will's first day back and he was already going to pick on jeremy again. he didn't even realize it, but his grip on his pencil was tight, too tight. it snapped in his hand and he yelped, letting out a curse as he felt the wood shoot into his skin. the class laughed and the teacher stared at michael.

"mr. mell, what was that?" she asked in the 'shut up before i lose my job to hitting a student' kind of look on her face.

michael took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said, "nothing ms. guthery. i just broke my pencil and it hurt." he looked down and saw that it had made him bleed, "i should go to the nurse, it's bleeding." the teacher walked over to him, her heels clicking annoyingly. she took one look at the wound and turned away.

"yes, take mr. sylvester with you, go to the nurses office," she said, going back to her lesson. michael swore he saw will smirk.

with his teeth clenched he said, "come on, will. let's get this over with." he stood up and exited the class.

"so, stab yourself again?" will said tauntingly as they made their way through the winding high school.

"no, this time it was an accident," he said, pressing on the cut to stop the bleeding. he was determined to keep his cool around will this time. he wanted to be better, for jeremy.

"ha, sure it was. i think you're just mad that you can't touch me." michael stopped and looked at him.

"says who?" he gritted his back teeth.

"because if you do, you'll get suspended, and jeremy won't like you anymore. see? if you per say," will punched michael in the stomach, causing him to double over, "punch me, he'll reject you. or if you, maybe," will kicked him in the shins, making him crash into the floor, "kick me, he'll maybe even hate you."

michael was in indescribable pain. "what do you want from me?"

"oh nothing," will readjusted his jacket, "just some revenge." he kicked him in the shoulder, michael resisting the urge to call out. because even though will was a jerk, he was right. michael thought jeremy would never like him if he got into another fight. he stayed silent on the ground.

"you're just a fucking pussy, you know that? you'd rather die than have that boy reject you, you little faggot." when michael tried to get up, will shoved him toward the stairwell, making him stumble backward. "you stupid," he shoved him closer to the steps, "worthless," he shoved him once more, "FREAK!" will shoved him hard, hard enough that he caused michael to stumble down the stairs.

the last thing michael heard was the dismissal bell.

everything faded to black.

one i'm so sorry i've been gone i've been hella stressed and my fam and i were going through some shit
two i just want to say thank you.
actually three things, CLIF HANGAR MUHAHAHAHA
(he's not dead guys i stg)
-author chan

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