18// Ren Hatake

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Mika had found out she was pregnant and when she left that is what she told Kakashi before she knocked him out, she was holding her new born son.

He looked so much like Kakashi and Mika cried and she played with his silver hair and smiled and he had opend his eyes and had Mika's brown eyes.

Tobi was there and went to her and looked at Ren and said"So now i have a grandson"Mika nodded and said"Yea you do papa..."Obito hugged her.

She hugged back and then Mika said"Im taking him to the leaf village Papa when i do it come with me"Obito nodded and then Mika hugged Ren and smiled.

4 Days Later

Mika and Obito went out at night and headed to the leaf village and once they got there they went to Kakashi's apartment.

Mika went to his door step and had Ren in a basket and set him down and Mika cried and her tears were on Ren and she knocked on the door and went in a tree with Obito.

Kakashi opend the door and he was drunk and this hurt Mika to see and Kakashi looked at the basket with Ren and Kakashi cried.

He went on his knees and picked Ren up and then looked at him and then picked up the note that Mika left and started to read it.

Dear Kakashi,

Im sorry i left but here is something i want to give you its our son his name is Ren Hatake his full name means Love in the field. I love you Kakashi so much im so sorry just give our son love and maybe even find someone else to love.

Love Mika Uchiha/Hatake

Kakashi hugged Ren close to him and then got the basket and brought Ren in the house and set the basket down and put him in and just looked at him.

Obito looked at Mika and said"Lets go Mika..."Mika got out of the tree and headed back to the Akatsuki hide out and cried on the way there.

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