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|| Travis ||

The whole time all I did was stare at Liyah with my daughter .

That's all I could do , no words was exchanged between us .

There was nurses and other people on the plane riding with us .

Liyah laid her down on a bed and held her hand until she fell asleep .

When lani fell asleep she got on her knees and started praying , I joined her and we prayed that the surgery goes well .

After I just continued staring at her .

She used to be some mean and didn't care about anything but I see now she's soft and a cry baby .

We landed in some part of Indonesia at about 3am their time . Mr . Martinez was waiting for us and he had everything ready .

Liyah held lani close to her and gave her lots of kisses .

Liyah - I-I - I love you so so so much she said as she started to loose her voice .

Lani - mommy no cry please

Liyah - I'm not crying Alani she lied and smiled mommy love you lots

Lani - luv you to she placed a kiss on her lips and rubbed her hair .

Me - I love you too baby girl and when you get out of surgery I promise to be the best daddy in the world ok baby ?

She nodded as her eyes started to shut . The medicine to put her to sleep was working .

We looked at her body that laid there looking lifeless for a minute before we had to leave out the room and they started the procedure

When the door shut Liyah shut down completely . Tears dropped from her eyes but she made no sound .

She just stood there with a soaked face .

Me - come on I tried grabbing her hand and she pulled away

Liyah - my baby

Me - come on . Everything's in gods hands now Aaliyah

She nodded and followed after me to the waiting room .

I powered on my phone for the first time and took a deep breathe .

Me and Aaliyah was all over social media and the news just like I knew we were going to be .

I shut my phone right back off , I'm not in the mood .

I wanted to bring up so much stuff to Aaliyah but I didn't . I knew right now wasn't the right time .

All I did was pull Aaliyah onto my lap . I thought she was gone say something or pull away but she didn't .

She laid her head on my chest and that's the way we stayed for hours .

It was only me and her in the waiting room .

Me - I wish you would have gotten in contact with me earlier Aaliyah . Don't you think I was obligated to know about my daughter condition ?! this would have been gotten done .

Liyah - Travis her voice was low .. I went through so much to find a doctor willing to do this surgery . He called me last night Travis she said I shot to you ASAP when I found out she had rare blood and that I needed some for you .

I just nodded okay and prayed to god .

Liyah - but don't put this shit off on me . This isn't the first time I've tried to contact your ass , ask your racist ass family she said lowly

I looked down at her and just dropped the topic

Me - right now isn't the time .

But She's Black ( 2 ) Where stories live. Discover now