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|| Liyah ||

My whole spirit was crushed hours later when there was only one thing standing in the way of my baby getting the procedure , she needs to survive , done .

Blood .

They need blood and my baby has a really rare blood type .

I didn't find that out until today at the hospital. I'm not her blood type so I can't donate to her and they told me it'll probably take weeks to get a donor with her blood type .

I don't fucking have weeks .

I feel like I don't even have days .

" if your not her blood type then her father is her blood type for sure . Blood type AB in only inherited through a parent " she informed me

" her father can for sure donate blood . do you know who he is ? "

I shook my head yes

" are you in contact with him ? "

I shook my head no .

Me - but imma get in contact with his ass I said and wrapped things up with her .

My dad came and picked us up . He buckled my baby in as I was glued to my phone

Dad - what now ?

Me - I need to get in contact with Travis . He gotta donate blood to my baby .

Dad - where you gone start ?

I just shrugged .

He got a game coming up tomorrow . He play for the Seattle Seahawks and they got a game in Arizona tomorrow .

It looks like that's where I'm going because I know for facts I can't get in touch with him over the phone .

But She's Black ( 2 ) Where stories live. Discover now