Chapter 1

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The next day

Jellal's P.O.V.

“Wonder what this surprise is.”, Mystogan, my twin, muttered as he brushed down his royal blue hair.

“Be any money it’s a new girl.”, I repeated the same ‘surprise’ he had been receiving every year. Mystogan groaned, he was sick and tired of our father trying to find love, it was horrible.

“Damn, I feel like a princess.”, Mystogan mumbled as he traced the birthmark covering his right eye. We looked the exact same, the only way to tell us apart was our personality, Mystogan was the most outgoing of us.

“Right back at you. C’mon, we gotta go, can’t be late for the ‘surprise’”, I chuckled as I held the door open for my brother, who snorted.

“If it’s a girl, I’m running.”, Mystogan suggested as we walked down the lavishly decorated hallway.

“I’m coming with.”, I added.”I’ll bring the bow and arrow, you bring food.”, I joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

“Why do I get the food?”, Mystogan complained.

“I’ll eat it all.”, I laughed, and soon the hall echoed with our laughter. “Imagine we actually did that.”

“We would get in so much trouble.”

“I know, but it would be fun.”

“Yeah, we could use our magic again.”

“Yeah, remember when we used to use it, until Father passed that law that it was ‘unprincely’ for someone of royal blood to use it?”

“Yup.”, We stopped as they reached a pair of large willow doors, "Here goes nothing.", I pushed the doors opened and walked into a lavishly decorated room, where all the princes from the other kingdoms sat. The salmon-haired Prince Natsu from the Fire Kingdom, Princes Gray and Lyon from the Ice Kingdom, Prince Gajeel from the Iron Kingdom and Prince Loke of the Celestial Kingdom were listening to Queen Mirajane of Oasis.

Mirajane is 19 years old, young for a queen. Her parents died when she was young, and she had to take the throne at the age of 17, pretty damn tough if you ask me. She's got long, white hair and blue eyes, and uses Take Over Magic. That's pretty powerful stuff, take over magic, I heard stories that she wiped out an entire army with one of her Take Over's.

"Your lives are being threatened by some unknown force, and your parents have decided to find you suitable bodyguards to protect you.", She told us, looking at Mystogan and I as we sat."It's nice of you to join us. As I was saying, bodyguards will be provided for you, and I will make sure they are the most powerful avaliable."

"And, how is that?", Loke asked, spinning a coin in his fingers.

"A competition.", Gray shook his head as his eyes scanned the flier,"No-one will show up."

"Exactly, only ones who really care about their job will participate. Anyway, they have to beat you guys to take the position.", Mirajane smiled as the pamphlet was passed back to her.

"Beat us? We'll have nobody left by the end of the day.", Gajeel shrugged, echoing my thoughts. NOBODY has EVER beating a member of the royal family in combat, NOBODY.

"Don't worry, we'll find someone. You're dismissed.", Mirajane smiled, waving her hand, signalling for us to leave. When the others had left, I walked up t the young queen."Jellal?"

"Were you able to find-", MIrajane shook her head, knowing what I was going to say.

"No, we were unable to contact the Fallen Angels.", My face fell, my heart had been set on having one of the world's most powerful mages protect me. "I'm sorry."

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