Kennys plan

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~ Stan POV ~

As me and Kenny walked I noticed him smirking.

"You saw that right?" He said. Looking over at me. We were pretty much the same height so we looked directly at each other.

"What? Kyle pretty much drooling over Cartman?" I say , grinning as I remember the look on Kyle's face.

"Yeah. They obviously have huge crushes on each other. By the fact that Cartman refused to look at Kyle for any more than a second , and the fact that Kyle was ...well yeah , what you said" he laughed , and then made a thinking expression , putting one hand in his pocket and the other on his chin. I noticed that he still had Kyle's hat on , which amused me since Kenny had a bigger head , therefore his blonde locks were spiking out from underneath the hat.

"Now , we just have to get them to admit it. Then get them together" I said jokingly , shoving my gloves hands in my coat pockets. It was getting dark and fairly cold. I have no idea how Kenny wasn't freezing , since most of his arms were exposed.

"I have an idea..." I heard him say , looking away. " We could get them to confess to us , There ultimate besties. Then...we lock em in a room!" Kenny looked back at me , his sky blue eyes shining as he said his idea.

"Uh...Kenny? I was just joking...we can't lock them in a room!" I said , a slight frown on my face. He looked like he wasn't listening , as he had started skipping ahead. I roll my eyes and run after him , when I hear Kyle behind us.

"Kenny! Give me my hat!" He sounded more tired than angry. I turnt and saw the ginger male walking down the street.

"This is your opportunity to get info Stan. Don't waste it!" Kenny whispered to me as Kyle got closer. I rolled my eyes again and muttered "fine.."

Kenny grinned as Kyle walked up to him and grabbed the leaf colored hat off of his head , causing the blondes hair to fly in all directions , as he normally has it. "Haha , well I'll be seeing you guys" he said , and started to walk to the rough part of south park. I feel bad for him , having to feel constantly threated and always alert , but Kenny can look after himself.

~ Kyle's POV ~

Me and Stan started making our way to our houses , walking in silence. I stuffed my hair back under my hat.

After a long while of silence , besides the crunch of snow under our feet , Stan spoke. "So.. What's going on with you and not-so-fat fatass?" He said , grinning looking at my expression.

I blushed slightly, my mind showing me an image of him. "What..? N-nothing is going on!!"

"Mhn. Then why are you drooling over his every word. I saw how you acted around him ky. its obvious you like him." He grinned at this and stood in front of me. Making me stop.

"I-i wasn't dr-drooling over him! I was
.. listening to him , like any friend would!" I said , my voice going high , not really helping my case. Shit..was I really drooling..? I mean...I did end up day dreaming at points but I wasn't drooling!

"That's another thing. Before all this. Even before he left south park. You and him were enemies. But now. Your calling him your friend. Just...tell me straight out Kyle , I won't tell anyone else." He put his hands on my shoulders , making me look into his ocean blue eyes.

I knew I could trust him with my secret crush... but I'd caught him and Kenny sharing a glance earlier and now. Wondering what they were thinking. I sigh as i think about all the pros and cons.

"Fine. I may have a crush on Cartman. But I swear to god if you tell anyone else Stan and I'll kill you. Best friend or not." I glared at him. Blushing hard as I admitted it aloud.

I see his eyes light up and he beams with joy. "Thats.... ADORABLE! I won't tell anyone else , I promise!" He chirped and carried on walking , we were nearing my house.

"So...why Cartman?" He asked , quizzingly.

"I dunno... It used to be because I liked his attitude. But's so many reasons.." I sigh happily , listing them off in my head

His voice
His attitude
His determination
His features
His personality

We stop outside my house. Stan gives me a goodbye hug and hurries off home. I breath in deeply , preparing myself for my mother's screaming. I hate it when Eric is mom is a bitch...only sometimes though.

As I open the door I am greeted by my younger brothers smiling face. I grinned back , holding my finger to my lips , trying to keep him quiet as I walk up the stairs.

"KYLE BROFLOVSKI, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. "It's 9pm!!"

"Ma...I'm pretty much an adult , I don't need you to baby me constantly." I said in a tired tone , as I continued to walk up the stairs not waiting for a reply.

I heard her sigh and begin to help Ike with whatever he had been doing. I closed my bedroom door and flopped onto my bed thinking about everything that had happened in the space of a day. Hes back...I still can't believe it...the person I had loved since kindergarten..who left because him mom hated the fact he was gay... Is back..

I felt my face blush as I remembered the features on his face. He's brown hair , sticking out cutely from under his old beenie , his welcoming hazel eyes staring into my soul , his familiar devilish smirk , letting you know he was clearly thinking something , though what was an utter mystery. His once chubby face now thinned out and made masculine. Dammit... He's handsome as fuck..and his voice...just.... Is so sexy...I don't even think he knows how much it is..

I blushed further as I felt Something down below. My member has become hard at the thought of Eric Cartman..

{ Heyyy , author here. I mean.. I'm not really an author but whatever. Anyways , should I put a little Smut in my story? Or na? I wanna hear your opinion , hope you enjoyed my trashy fanfic so far , laters ^^ }

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