The bus stop

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~Kyle POV~


"Argh..." I groaned as I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock , making it shut up. I looked up and stared at the digital clock , squinting my eyes at the illuminated numbers.


God , not even gone to school yet and I'm already wishing I could be back on break , so I could sleep in I thought as I walked into the bathroom , clicking the light on. I brushed my teeth and washed my face , not really paying attention to anything.

I quickly got changed and looked in the mirror. My wild red curls seemed untameable , so I grabbed my light green hat and stuffed it only my head.

i wonder how the others are , I haven't gotten to really talk to Kenny or Stan all summer , since both of them had been away I clambered down the stairs , nearly tripping over my younger brother , Ike , who was sat doing homework with a frantic look upon his face.

"Hi Ike! You ok?" I questioned as I jumped over him. Landing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning Kyle! I forgot to do my physics work , I'm trying to get it done now but I'm gonna be late , arghhhhhh! I hate Physics.." Ike replied , not looking up from his work.

"Sorry I can't help ya out Ike , but I suck at physics" I laughed as I walked into the kitchen , where my mom was cooking. "Morning ma!"

"Oh hello Kyle! You'd better get some food fast , or you'll miss your bus... Speaking of buses , IKE! YOU NEED TO LEAVE, YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!" She yelled , handing Ike his lunch money and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek , before Ike ran out the door.

I grinned as the door slammed. Ike was a smart kid , and had already been put into one of the upper grades of the middle school. I forget which grade , since he's moved up so often.

I sat down at the table and bought out my phone , seeing two new messages, one from butters and the other from Jimmy. Since Stan and Kenny had gone out of town for the summer holidays , I'd started to hang around them more. There actually really cool people.

B: Hi Kyle! I'm already at school , I looked at the home room listings , we're in the same home room! ^^

I replied to butters , who , by his text, seemed pretty happy we were in the same home room.

K: Thats awesome butters. Make sure to save me a seat by you if I'm late ok?

I then opened Jimmy's text

J: Theres quite a buzz going round Kyle ,everyone is still surprised that you came out gay. Everyone is talking about it!!

I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my pocket , not replying to Jimmy. god , people are STILL on about it? I came out back in july.. and that was only to get Craig and Clyde off of my back about it , argh-

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I got up and answered it.

I was greeted by the two smiling faces of my best friends. Kenny had ditched his old coat, and was now wearing an orange body warmer , with a black top on underneath. Stan was still wearing his blue and red beenie along with his dirt colored coat.

"HI KYLE!!" they said at the same time. Pulling me into a hug laughing.

"Hi guys!" I said hugging them back. My mother came to the door and made an 'awww' sound , and I broke away.

"You three are still so close , after all these years! It's brilliant. Anyways , you'd all better hurry up to the bus boys. Have a good day Kyle!" Mom beamed , handing me my lunch money and giving me a peck on the cheek. Then closed the door.

Me , Stan and Kyle started walking to the bus stop. As we walked Stan and Kenny started talking to me about well... Life

"So did ya miss us?" Kenny grinned

"Of course, it was boring without you two! Though butters makes surprisingly good company" I grinned back , having to look up at them both as I was the shortest. Only being 5'7" and both of them being around 6'1" - 6'3".

"Still short as ever I see. Kyle , I doubt you'll ever grow again" Stan laughed as he patted my head. I grabbed his hand and took it away from me.

"I will grow! I'll....I'll have a late growth spurt and be taller than both of you!" I stated. I already knew I wasn't gonna grow , due to both my parents being fairly small , but it's good to dream.

We continued walking , cracking jokes and catching up , when Kenny suddenly stopped , holding his arms out. Me and Stan walked into them

"Kenny , what the hell-" he cut off mid sentence , as he looked at what Kenny was now pointing to.

I stare too , mostly in shock. A tall muscular dude was waiting at the bus stop. He was wearing a blood red hoodie and a yellow and blue beenie.

This wasn't just some random person though.... We all started in silence for about two minutes , astonished.

Then the guy looked up , his chocolate brown eyes looking back at us. An all-too-familiar smirk creeping across his face.

Eric...Eric fucking cartman..

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