40. In The Burning Sunlight

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The next day after graduation, I carefully reapplied my raspberry-flavored Philosophy lip gloss in the mirror, slathering on a thick dollop. I stepped back and looked at myself carefully. I was preparing for battle and I had to look perfect. No excuses.

I was still wearing my white dress from graduation. My hair had been straightened and my makeup had been freshly redone. As a final touch I grabbed the half-full bottle of U Flirt, my signature perfume, and spritzed myself all over.

There. I was ready.

The sky was darkening as I walked outside and watched as Alec spilled out from the backseat of his parents’ car, pirouetted onto the lawn, and buried his face in a pile of dog shit. “Delicious,” I heard him murmur.

In my hand, I held an Abercrombie bag that held a huge emergency flashlight and the same hot pink polo dress I’d worn when I’d first become Sasha--flashlight and a change of clothes, check.


Great job! Now you just have to await further instructions. Keep it up!

“Bitch,” I muttered, rolling my eyes and dropping the phone into the bag. All throughout graduation I’d been a nervous wreck, wondering just what the hell we were going to do once the ceremony was over. Break into someone’s home? Rob a grave? Set a building on fire? Kill somebody?

“Sasha?” Alec called from the lawn. “Can I have a washcloth for my face?”

“Use the grass,” I called back, grinning as Alec violently rubbed his face on the lawn. When he came back up, his face looked clean and freshly scrubbed. I gave him a thumbs up.

“Man, it’s a good thing you’re wearing all black,” I said, walking up to him. Alec was being classic Alec, sporting a black tank top and basketball shorts. It was a Typical Rosebush Boy outfit, but also kind of edgy and unexpected.

“Yeah. I didn’t want to ruin my expensive all-white outfit tonight.” He was referring to the white blazers, dress pants, and shoes all boys at Rosebush Day had to wear as part of their graduation ensemble.

I brushed at the tulle hem of my dress. It was knee-length and frothy, not classic Sasha at all, and I wouldn’t miss it. “I’m not changing. It’s not like I’ll ever wear this piece of crap again.” I kicked at a tuft of grass.

“Speaking of pieces of crap…” Henry bounded towards us, grinning. “Check out my new shirt!”

Alec and I looked at his shirt. It was bright green with a picture of a poop emoji on it. “My parents got it for me as a graduation present,” he explained.

I high-fived him. “Niice, dude.”

He beamed with pride. “Thanks!”

Next, Moby walked over with Henna’s fake cigar between his lips. He had on his white blazer from graduation and a pair of red boxers and nothing else. I made a face.

“Ew, go put on some pants or something,” Alec said as he noticed Moby’s outfit. “I dont need to know how often you get a hard-on.”

Moby rolled his eyes like Alec was in the “special” class at school. “I have Spandex on under it. Duh. I’m trying to make a statement.”

Alec snorted. “Is your ‘statement’ that you can’t rock formal menswear, like, ever?”

“Maybe,” Moby said defensively. It seemed that Moby’s and his little rivalry was back on, but I didn’t have time to tease them or to focus on the details. Scott and Evan were arriving next.

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