02 | rock + roll

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the clocks ticked near eleven, but no one in the house was asleep. because, outside — the storm was just getting started.

the winds whistled, and the clouds engulfed the place into a shuttle of grey tones. i began to overthink on whether i locked the shed or even the front gates. frowning, i got out of bed and tiptoed downstairs into the kitchen.

bare feet against the wooden floors, i felt the shivers climbing up my arms as i gulped.

i flicked the lights on, but they didn't budge.

"great, the electricity is out," i muttered, shuffling my way through some cabinets until i found my mother's stack of emergency candles.

i oddly liked the darkness, but i couldn't stand storms.

fetching a box of matches, i lit the end of one and watched the sparks morph into a flame that tipped the candle. it wasn't much help, but still better than nothing.

i managed to reach for a glass of water without anything falling or toppling down on me, sipping quietly while a faint murmur of conversations echoed through the walls.

this house was like a paper stack of game cards, on the verge of collapsing; with leaking corners and creaking floorboards.

but i shouldn't be complaining. because no matter the home i lived in — i had my parents.

every kid i know is constantly dealing with a broken family, endless arguments, fights and misunderstandings. but i was lucky, and i never took it for granted.

i flopped onto the living room's sofa and stared at the candle flame.

cuddling into the soft fabric, i found myself drifting on and off, my eyes drooping and shutting away the world.

somewhere in the back of my head, i heard the entrance gates rattle and slam shut, but the looped sounds didn't register in my mind.

and when a coherent series of knocks rang through the house; i assured myself it was just the wind so i wouldn't need to get up.

but the knocks wouldn't stop, and as i tore my eyes open, i realised someone was actually at the door.

"who on earth—" i ran to see who it was, a blanket wrapped around my head and a candle jar in my hand.

a figure lingered outside, just about my height, now growing silent.

i eyed the keys by the rack and didn't let myself hesitate for a moment longer. nothing bad could happen, right? —opening doors to strangers in the middle of the night.

i pulled the door open and was momentarily attacked with the gushing force of moving air.

"come in faster!" i urged the stranger who stood soaked from head to toe, not caring whether he was a murderer or whatever else possible — as long as i close this door shut and go back to sleep.

upstairs, i heard my parents getting up and making their way down the hallways as dim candle lights flickered in reflections.

"i'm sorry for showing up this late," the stranger spoke, his voice shivering with a foreign accent.

looking at him, i couldn't help but take in a short and sharp breath. can boys actually be this pretty even when they're like human waterfalls?

unconsciously, i locked the door and threw the pair of keys back onto their place.

"i-i'm changbin," i stuttered, reaching out my hand instead of bowing in greeting, "and i'm guessing you're our australian guest?"

"yeah," he laughed, and i swear i've never heard anything more angelic. "i'm felix," he returned the gesture after wiping his hands from the rain.

with clothes sticking to his skin, and black hair plastered onto his forehead — felix felt awkward when a woman stepped down the staircase.

"changbin, who is it?" she waved the candle and made her way down to the entrance corridor.

"mom, it's the australian boy," i called back to her and she immediately quickened her pace towards us.

she observed him worriedly, eyes scanning through his flawless features and soaking luggage. "dear, dear, you must be felix," she flustered over him. "take off your shoes and let's get you settled into your room. changbin sweetie, can you get the poor boy a couple of towels?"

i nodded lightly, trying not to grow red from the overused motherly pet name she used whenever asking me for a favour.

and so i shuffled towards the back of the house, leaving felix in the hands of my mother who acted as if she adopted a new child.

our storage room was a closet of washing supplies, rags and other cleaning products. bringing the candle to the shelves, i picked out two large-sized towels and a spare blanket that lay around the back.

i almost took a broom along with me because of how distracted i was. and felix was to blame.

how could someone like him just show up in the middle of a raging storm and still look so— ethereal?

hey! snap out of it! i'm supposed to dislike this guy.

but is that even possible?

from the two sentences that he spoke, his deep voice sent goosebumps up my arms. and his faint accent and mid-phrase pausing? oh boy.

i paced upstairs with the white-coloured fabrics in my grasp, actually halting for a split-moment because i didn't know where felix or my mother were.

"this is changbin's room but he'll move out tomorrow morning so don't worry," i heard my mother's assuring voice coming from my bedroom.

oh great, just wonderful, thanks mom.

"but—" felix stammered in reply, "i arrived so suddenly and before you were expecting me, are you sure that's okay?"

i smiled, leaning against the door as i listened to their conversation.

"changbin never uses this room over the summer, he's used to it," she murmured, a sigh on her lips.

little did i know that this summer was going to be different.


written: december 12, 2017 | 00:38am

stray kids ; changlix | crash ↺Where stories live. Discover now